



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) (-a,-tia) to be cast ashore, wrecked, stranded.

Puta ake ana te kapua pōuri i te paewai o te rangi, ā kīhai i roa ka pūhia haeretia te kaipuke rā e te tūpuhi rāua ko te marangai, kua paepae haere ki te taha ki ngā toka e tino pakaru ai, e tino mate ai (TWMNT 19/5/1874:118). / Dark clouds appeared on the horizon, and it was not long before that ship was blown by storms and gales, and was cast against the rocks and destroyed.

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2. (noun) beam, bar, horizontal board, threshold of a house, door sill, horizontal beam of a latrine.

Nāna i whakahaere ngā mahi taka kai mō te whakatuwheratanga o te whare nui i Waitangi i Pēpuere o te tau 1940, ā, tomokia ana hoki e ia te paepae, i te tānga o te kawa o taua whare (TTR 2000:41). / She organised catering for the opening of the meeting house at Waitangi in February 1940 and crossed the threshold first in the tapu removal ceremony of that house.

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3. (noun) orators' bench.

Kia mutu rawa tā rātou, kātahi anō te paepae o te manuhiri ka tū mai ki te whakautu, ki te waiata, ā, ka whakatakoto i tāna koha (TWK 46:12). / When theirs finished, the orators' bench of the visitors stand to respond, to sing and lay down their koha.

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4. (noun) open container, open shallow vessel.

He mate hōrapa te kohi, kaua te tangata i te mate kohi hei tuha ki te whare, ki te marae, engari te mea pai me tuha ki runga i te ahi, ko ngā kākahu horoi i te waha me tahu ki te ahi, ko ngā paepae hūare me horoi rawa ki te wai koropupū (TPH 4:23). / Tuberculosis is an infectious disease, so a person with it should not spit in the house or on the marae, but should spit into the fire, cloths for wiping the mouth should be burnt, and spittoons should be washed in boiling water.

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Synonyms: oko

5. (noun) shallow dish, plate, platter, tray - any shallow dish or tray.

Me motuhake ngā paepae kai mā te tūroro, arā, ngā pereti, ngā kapu, ngā naihi, paoka, pune, me ērā mea katoa (TTT 1/3/1929:949). / The food dishes for the patient should be separate, namely the plates, cups, knives, forks, spoons and all those utensils.

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Synonyms: kōpae, pereti, pureti, rīhi

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