1. (loan) (noun) horn.
Ka karanga tētahi o rātou kia kaua e mataku. Kā kī atu taua Pākehā i mate e kore ia e pai kia tae atu te hāona o te kau ki tōna kumu (TWM 23/7/1864:2). / One of them called that he should not be afraid. That Pākehā who was in trouble replied that he did not want the cow's horn to contact his backside.
1. (noun) horned orchid, Orthoceras novae-zeelandiae - an orchid reaching up to 70 cm when flowering, with narrow leaves which sheath the stem. Flowers are deep purple with two long horns and a drooping lip with a yellow stripe. Found in open scrub and on banks north of Westport.
Synonyms: tutukiwi, peka-a-waka
2. (noun) sun orchid, Thelymitra pulchella - a broad-leaved orchid with blue, pink or white flowers and potato-like tubers. Found throughout Aotearoa/New Zealand on clay banks, gumland, and open and boggy places.
2. (modifier) leaping, dancing (of water).
Haere atu i tōu huarahi, i te wai kōwhitiwhiti a Paretuiri (M 2004:330). / Travel on your pathway over the dancing waters of Paretuiri.
Synonyms: tarapeke
3. (noun) short-horned, flightless grasshoppers of several species.
Ka tata ki te ritenga ki Ruapehu ka tīmata te ua, kātahi anō ka rere te hukātara, titiro rawa atu ki te whenua e rere ana, pēnei tonu me te kōwhitiwhiti nei te āhua o te huka e rere ana i roto i te otaota (TPH 20/3/1905:3). / When we approached the vicinity of Ruapehu it began to rain, then hail fell and looking at the ground as we were travelling the hail was like grasshoppers moving in the grass.
Synonyms: whitiwhiti
4. (noun) marsh cress, Rorippa palustris - a creeping, hairy herb up to 30 cm tall, with weak squarish stems. The flowers are small, yellow and four-petalled. These are followed by swollen oblong seed pods. Fairly common throughout the North and South Islands on riverbanks and damp ground.
1. (noun) horn (of cattle, etc.), antler.
He maha ngā tākuta me ngā Pākehā mōhio e kī ana ko aua mea e rua he maire, ehara i te niho, nō te mea he anga mārō anō kei waho, he iho ngāwari nei kei roto (TWMNT 9/2/1875:36). / Many doctors and knowledgeable Pākehā are saying that those two things are horns, not teeth, because they have a hard outer shell and a soft inner core.
1. (verb) (-a) to spring up, begin to grow.
Ka pō, kātahi ka whakaaro ngā tāngata whenua, a Ngāti Hinewai, koi tahuri te taua ki te hauhake i ngā purapura o ā rātau māra kūmara, kua pihi hoki te kūmara, ngā tipu (JPS 1919:93). / When night fell the local people, Ngāti Hinewai, became concerned that the war party might set about harvesting the tubers of their kūmara gardens as the kūmara had started shooting sprouts.
2. (noun) shoot, sprout, antler, horn.
Ko ngā pihi o te purapura i te take o te purapura e kore e tino kaha te tupu o ērā, tēnā ko te pihi e tupu ake ana i te matamata o te rīwai e ngakia ana hei purapura, ko te pihi tērā e tino nui he rīwai e tupu (TW 20/4/1878:177). / The sprouts at the base of the tuber don't grow very vigorously, whereas the shoots growing up from the top of the potato produce much more vigorous offspring.
See also tū ngā pihi, pipihi
Synonyms: tupu, kotete, tipu, kōkihi, wene, pupuhi, pipihi, puhi, puhipuhi, pihinga, kāwai, tītere
1. (noun) horn shell, mud shell, Zeacumantus lutulentus - a tall, narrow shell crossed by curved, vertical growth lines. It is brownish or green grey and the opening is yellowish to dark brown inside. Found in the mid tide zone of protected areas including mudflats and tidepools.
Synonyms: karahiwa, karariwha, kararuri, karekawa, kawari, koeo, koio, kōrama, koriakai, korohiwa, korona, kororiwha, kūpā, marapeka, matamatangongo, mātangata, matatangata, kōramu, matapura, tōrire, hānea, kurewha, tākupu, pipi taiari, rehoreho, rereho, taiwhatiwhati, takarape, tanetane, tāwiri, torewai, tungangi, uere, wahawaha, wētiwha, whētikotiko, karahū, tohemanga, pure, tairaki, ngūpara, pipi tairaki, kuharu, kūkuku, kūkukuroa, kukupati, pūkanikani, papahurihuri, hākari, poua, rerekākara, toitoi, tio, tikoaka, toheroa, tuangi, tuangi haruru, kaitua, kākara, miware, mitimiti, pūpū, ngārahu tatawa, ngārahu taua, peke, ataata, kaitangata, pūpū kōrama, pūpū atamarama, tihipu, tihi, tio para, tio repe, tipa, totoro, totorere, tuatua, tupa, toretore, ngākihi, ngaingai, kākahi, taiawa, rūharu, tūpere, kuhakuha, ngaere, ngākihi hahae, kukupara, ngākihi awaawa, kuku-mau-toka, ngākihi tea, niania, matangongore, matangārahu, maurea, mimiti, karehu, tītiko, ngāruru, ngaeti, papatua, karoro, waharoa, ururoa, wahanui, ngāeo, pipi, tūteure, ngākihi hiwihiwi, ngākihi kopia, papatai, hahari, hohehohe, hūai, kōmore, pātitotito, pātiotio, peraro, pūkauri, pūpū karikawa, pūpū harakeke, pūpū māeneene, pūpū tuatea, pūpū waharoa, pūpū waitai, pūtātara, purewha, pūrimu, ruheruhe, takarepo, takai, tākai, tūroro, piritoka, pōrohe, kahitua, angarite, awatai, hauwai, harihari, hihiwa, hinangi, hoehoe, hopetea, kāeo, whāngai karoro, pīpipi, pūpū rore, pūpū taratara, pāua, poro, tātara, pūpū tarataratea, whētiko
1. (noun) short-horned, flightless grasshoppers of several species, locust.
See also māwhitiwhiti
Synonyms: māwhitiwhiti, kapakapa, kōwhitiwhiti
1. (noun) black orchid, Gastrodia cunninghamii - an endemic plant of North, South, Stewart and Chatham Islands. Uncommon north of the Waikato. Usually montane and mostly in beech dominated forests or montane pine forest plantations. Sometimes found at lower altitudes in dark hollows within forest, especially in naturally cold sites. Brown or white flowers October-March, fruiting in December-May.
2. (noun) horned orchid, Orthoceras novae-zeelandiae - endemic orchid with a tuberous edible root found in the North and South Islands in coastal to lower montane areas. In the South Island mainly westerly and recorded as far south as Hokitika. Usually in very sunny sites on open, free draining soils or clay banks with little associated taller vegetation. Often found in urban areas on mostly bare roadside cuttings. Flowers green, red or pink in July-March, fruiting in November-May.
He rahi ngā kai ka kohia i te ngahere, ngā hua o te hīnau, te tawa me te miro; te pūhā, te uho o te nīkau; te aka perei me te tāwhara (Te Ara 2011). / Numerous foods were gathered from the forest, including fruits and berries from hīnau, tawa and miro; sowthistle; the hearts of nīkau palms; the roots of perei (potato orchids), and the bracts of kiekie.
See also hūperei
1. (loan) (noun) powder flask - a small case for carrying gunpowder.
Nō te taenga mai o ētahi Pākehā hou, ka hoatu kia rua pū mō te tana whītau, kotahi rānei pū, me te waipāta paura me ngā matā (TP 7/1900:11). / When some new Pākehā arrived, they gave two guns for a ton of flax fibre, or one gun together with a powder flask and bullets.
1. (verb) to jump from one to another, jump over - like a grasshopper.
Engari i warea ki te huri ki te reo Pākehā, ka hoki mai ki te reo Māori, āhua pērā. He āhua māwhitiwhiti nei te āhua o te kōrero (Kāretu 2015). / But he kept changing to English, then returning to Māori. The way he talked was like a grasshopper jumping from one to the other.
2. (noun) short-horned, flightless grasshoppers of several species, locust.
I muri o tēnei ka tae mai anō te whakaatu, kai te tahuri rātau ki te kai māwhitiwhiti, ā ki te kōhua hoki i ngā kiri o ngā hōiho hei hupa mā rātau (TPH 31/5/1900:2). / After this further notification arrived that they had resorted to eating grasshoppers and boiling the hides of horses as soup for them.
Synonyms: whitiwhiti, kapakapa
3. (noun) crossover stitch - used in making kākahu. Also used as a term for the use of five whenu (or multiples of five) to create a hole for the here to go through, and as a counting system for the top and the bottom of a kākahu, ensuring that the weaver has the count correct.