utu whakahaere
1. (noun) administrative cost, administration cost, expenses, overhead (financial).
Ko ngā whenua ka tukua ki ngā poari kua oti te marohi ka riro tonu mā te kāwanatanga e whakahaere, ka pau ngā hua moni i ngā utu whakahaere a ngā poari, ka toe mai ko ngā ingoa anake i runga i te pepa a te hunga nō rātou te whenua (TTR 1994:53). / Land given up to the boards would effectively be controlled by the government, the boards' administration costs would swallow up the revenue, and all that would be left to the owners of the land would be their names on a piece of paper.
1. (verb) (-a,-ia) to prepare (e.g. food).
I tukuna atu te waiata nei e Te Rauparaha ki a Te Āti Awa, i a ia e whakataka ana ki te pakanga (M 2007:106). / Te Rauparaha sent this song to Te Āti Awa when he was preparing for battle.
Synonyms: rahurahu, raweke, whakaute, takataka, whakareri, whakatau, whakatikatika, whakatakatū, takatū, whakatakataka, whakatika, pātā, whakapai, rāwekeweke, tītakataka
2. (verb) (-a,-ia) to muster, assemble, gather.
Ka whakatakaia mai te taua a Waikato hei patu i te rangatira o Ngāti Ruanui (M 2007:152). / Waikato assembled an army to kill the chief of Ngāti Ruanui.
3. (modifier) preparatory.
He mea kura anō hoki a Tiaki ki tētahi kura whakataka, kura tūmataiti tae noa ki te wā i tekau mā whā tōna pakeke (TTR 1998:121). / Tiaki was educated at a private preparatory school until he was 14.
4. (noun) preparation.
He nui te whakataka a ngā Hāmoa mō te rā e tae atu ai a Smythe (TTT 1/2/1930:1985). / There was much preparation by the Samoans for the day that Smythe would arrive.
5. (noun) assembly, muster, gathering (e.g. of a war-party), expedition.
Kua kōrerotia i te whakaupoko te whakataka a Te Kakatarau (M 2004:106). / The raising of a war-party by Te Kakatarau is mentioned in the headnote (M 2007:107).
6. (noun) director, chief, administrator, controller, leader.
Ko wai hei whakataka mō tātou ka mate ana ngā rangatira o nāianei? (PK 2008:1131). / Who will be a leader for us when today's chiefs die?
Synonyms: wheao, tumuaki, tumuaki, tumu whakarae, tumu whakarae, kaiarataki, kaiarataki, kaikākāriki, kaikākāriki, ngārahu, tētēkura, uru, kaihautū, kaitakitaki, kaingārahu, manukura, kaiwhakanekeneke, tātāriki, amokapua, amokura, amokura, ariki, ariki, manu taupua, kahika, tātarariki, tātarariki, poutoko, poutoko, amorangi, amorangi, hautū, hautū, ihorei, manu taupua, kaitaki, kaitaki, kaitātaki, kaitātaki, kaiārahi, kaiārahi, kākākura, kākākura, pouwhenua, pouwhenua, kaiwhakataki, kaiwhakataki, wheao
7. (noun) whakataka, Corokia macrocarpa - a shrub or tree to 6 m tall with stout branches and dark, rough bark. Leaves are leathery and shiny on top with white tomentum underneath. Petals are bright yellow and drupes yellow, dark red to black.
1. (noun) operation, organisation.
Nō te tau 1962 i taka ki a Pūriri te mahi whakatakatū i ngā whakahaerenga mō te taenga mai o te kāhui ariki o Ingarangi ki Waitangi i te tau 1963 (TTR 2000:169). / In 1962 the preparations of the organisation for the 1963 visit of the English royalty to Waitangi fell to Pūriri.
Synonyms: whakahaere, mahi, tōpūtanga, rōpū, anga
2. (noun) administration, proceedings.
I te whakahaerenga i te kēhi whakawā i a Rua Kēnana i Ākarana i 1916, i tino whakahīhī mārika tonu a Hāre Hongi i te rironga i a ia o te tūnga reo kaiwhakamārama me te tūnga kaiwhakaatu mō te taha o te ture (TTR 1996:187). / In the proceedings of the trial of Rua Kēnana at Auckland in 1916, Hāre Hongi was particularly proud that he had the role as interpreter and prosecution witness.
1. (noun) administrator, boss, director, organiser, manager.
Ko te kaiwhakahaere o tēnei rōpū ko tētahi o ngā kaiārahi tūruhi o Te Whakarewarewa (TP 6/1910:7). / The organiser of this group is one of the tourist guides at Te Whakarewarewa.
Synonyms: menetia, kaiwhiriwhiri, kaiwhakarite
2. (noun) council, advocate, agent, advisor.
E kore e mana te rōia ki te haere ki te Kōti hei kaiwhakahaere, hei hoa rānei mō tētahi tangata (RT 2013:21). / A lawyer going to Court as an advocate or an ally for someone will not have any authority.
1. (verb) (-a,-hia,-ngia,-tia) to organise, cause to go, conduct, operate, lead, execute, direct, manage, control, administer, institute, implement, perform.
Ka whakamārama hoki ia kua whakahaerea e tētahi rōpū he tikanga e tū ai he karapu (TKO 12/7/1918:8). / He also explained that a procedure had been instituted whereby a club could be established.
Synonyms: tītakataka, whāwhā, whakamahi, tapahi, whakarite, whakatakoto, kōkiri, whaitaki, takitaki, tapa, whakaatu, whakaataata, whakahua, whakatūtū, mahi, hahaka, konumatā, haka, taki, matā, whakahaere tikanga, kaea, ārahi, arataki, huataki, tātaki, tā, whakataki
2. (noun) operation, organisation, control, administration.
Heoi anō, nā te hiahia tonu o Timi Kara ki te puri i ngā whakahaere, ka tohua e ia he tiamana ki ngā poari e popore ana ki te rīhi (TTR 1994:13). / However, because of James Carroll's desire to hold onto control, he appointed chairmen to the boards who favoured leasing.
Synonyms: mahi, whakahaerenga, tōpūtanga, rōpū, anga
1. (loan) (noun) ministry, administration.
Ko ēnā moni nō te Minitatanga o Hokianga (HKW 10/1898:3). / Those monies belong to the Ministry at Hokianga.
Synonyms: manatū
2. (loan) (personal name) Shortland - Edward Shortland (1812?-1893), doctor, scholar, linguist and administrator who wrote on Māori myth and tradition.
I te torotoronga atu o Te Hōtereni i Moeraki i 1844, ka whakamīharo a ia ki te mōhio o Tiramōrehu ki ngā kōrero tīpuna tuku iho a tōna iwi (TTR 1990:350). / When Mr Shortland first met Tiramōrehu, he was amazed at how well versed Tiramōrehu was on the history and customs of his people.
Rangi Hīroa, Te
1. (personal name) Sir Peter Henry Buck (1877?-1951) Ngāti Mutunga; doctor, military leader, administrator, politician, anthropologist, researcher and Bishop Museum director (Honolulu). First Māori to graduate from the University of Otago and first Māori doctor to graduate from a New Zealand university.