



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) fantail, Rhipidura fuliginosa. Personified in the following example.

Nā, kia mōhio tātou, ko ngā tīwaiwaka e tītakataka nei ka hura rā hoki ngā hukumaro ki runga, ka riro ko te upoko ki raro (TTT 1/10/1929:1086). / Now, we should know that fantails flit about opening their tail feathers up and with their head going down.

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See also tīrairaka

Synonyms: tīrakaraka, tītīrairaka, tīraureka, pīrakaraka, pīrangirangi, pītakataka, wakawaka, tīrairaka pango, kōtiutiu, pīwaiwaka, tīwakawaka, tīrairaka, hīwaiwaka, hīrairaka, pīwakawaka, pīrairaka, tītakataka

2. (personal name) Fantail – personified example.

Ko ngā mea i kite ai au ko Kōkako, e kō mai aua i runga i ngā taukahiwi, ko Tīwaiwaka, e tītakataka ana i mua i taku aroaro (JPS 1913:115). / What I saw were Kōkako singing on the ridges and Tīwaiwaka flitting about in front me.

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tīrairaka pango

1. (noun) fantail, Rhipidura fuliginosa - a small, friendly, insect-eating bird of the bush and domestic gardens which has a distinctive tail resembling a spread fan. This sooty-black variety has a white dot behind each eye. Found in the South Island and the Wellington area only.


1. (noun) fantail, Rhipidura fuliginosa - a small, friendly, insect-eating bird of the bush and domestic gardens which has a distinctive tail resembling a spread fan.


1. (noun) fantail, Rhipidura fuliginosa - a small, friendly, insect-eating bird of the bush and domestic gardens which has a distinctive tail resembling a spread fan.


1. (verb) to swerve, dart, swoop.

Ko te take i pātai ai au he āhua tāruturutu, kōtiutiu nō te haere a te waka nei (HP 1991:315). / The reason why I asked was because the vehicle was going somewhat jerkily and was swerving about.

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2. (noun) fantail, Rhipidura fuliginosa - a small, friendly, insect-eating bird of the bush and domestic gardens which has a distinctive tail resembling a spread fan.


1. (noun) fantail, Rhipidura fuliginosa - a small, friendly, insect-eating bird of the bush and domestic gardens which has a distinctive tail resembling a spread fan.


1. (noun) fantail, Rhipidura fuliginosa - a small, friendly, insect-eating bird of the bush and domestic gardens which has a distinctive tail resembling a spread fan.

2. (noun) white-breasted North Island tomtit, Petroica macrocephala toitoi - a little black-and-white bird with a large head and short tail. Lives in forest and scrub.


1. (verb) to tumble about, constantly on the move, waggle, flit about.

Ngā tāngata i kite ai a Kupe, tokorua, ko tētehi e pītakataka ana te kumu (TWMNT 25/3/1873:31). / There were two people that Kupe saw, and one was flitting its tail about.

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2. (noun) fantail, Rhipidura fuliginosa - a small, friendly, insect-eating bird of the bush and domestic gardens which has a distinctive tail resembling a spread fan.


1. (noun) fantail, Rhipidura fuliginosa - a small, friendly, insect-eating bird of the bush and domestic gardens which has a distinctive tail resembling a spread fan.

2. (noun) type of foot movement in kapa haka.

Ko te tīrakaraka: He reretau te peke ngātahi a te rōpū i runga parowae, ki mauī ki matau, ki mua ki muri (RMR 2017). / The tīrakaraka foot movement: The simultaneous jumping of a group on the balls of their feet to left and right and forward and back.

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1. (noun) fantail, Rhipidura fuliginosa - a small, friendly, insect-eating bird of the bush and domestic gardens which has a distinctive tail resembling a spread fan.


1. (noun) share, division, division of a harvesting area - a descent group's division of a harvesting area and may be on land, river or sea. Wakawaka may be a few yards wide or several miles, depending on the resource. They are always named.

Ko tētahi tauira mai i a Ngāi Tahu kīia ai ko te wakawaka, ngā paenga rohe tauranga ika i waenganui i ngā hapū (Te Ara 2013). / An example from Ngāi Tahu is the wakawaka, the boundaries of fishing grounds between hapū.
Mō te wakawaka. Tōna tikanga, he wāhanga whenua ki ngā whānau o te iwi. Ko tēnei kupu ko te māra, ko roto i te wakawaka (BFM 2013:341). / Concerning the wakawaka. This refers to land divisions for the extended families of the tribe. The garden is within a wakawaka. (The Māori statement written in June 1917 by Hari Hēmara Wahanui, a chief of Ngāti Maniapoto.)

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See also manu

Synonyms: tohatoha, toha, tiri, tuari, wāhi, moka, wāhanga, hea

2. (noun) fantail, Rhipidura fuliginosa - a small, friendly, insect-eating bird of the bush and domestic gardens which has a distinctive tail resembling a spread fan.


1. (noun) fantail, Rhipidura fuliginosa - a small, friendly, insect-eating bird of the bush and domestic gardens which has a distinctive tail resembling a spread fan.


1. (verb) to turn over and over, move about irregularly, wobble, flit about.

Nā, kia mōhio tātou, ko ngā tīwaiwaka e tītakataka nei ka hura rā hoki ngā hukumaro ki runga, ka riro ko te upoko ki raro (TTT 1/10/1929:1086). / Now, we should know that fantails flit about opening their tail feathers up and with their head going down.

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Synonyms: hūkokikoki, tītaka

2. (verb) to be indecisive, wavering, vacillating, uncertain, dithering, in a quandary, in a dilemma.

E tuhi ana ahau ki ngā tāngata kei te tītakataka ngā whakaaro hei whakatau i ō rātou ngākau (TP 1/9/1899:2). / I am writing to the people who are in a quandary to set their minds at rest.

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3. (verb) to prepare, organise, plan, put things in order.

Kāore i roa i muri mai, kua nekehia au ki tētahi wāhi kē, kua tītakataka mō te hoki ki te kāinga, ki Nūhaka (HP 1991:221). / Not long after that I was transfered to another place in preparation for the return home to Nūhaka.

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Synonyms: whakarite, whakahaere, whakatakoto, kaupapa, tikanga, tātai, whakangārahu, mahere, whakamahere, hoahoa, pēwheatanga, take, whakakaupapa, whakatakotoranga, whakaaro, rahurahu, raweke, whakaute, takataka, whakareri, whakatau, whakatikatika, whakatakatū, takatū, whakatakataka, whakatika, pātā, whakapai, whakataka, rāwekeweke

4. (noun) fantail, Rhipidura fuliginosa - a small, friendly, insect-eating bird of the bush and domestic gardens which has a distinctive tail resembling a spread fan.


1. (noun) fantail, Rhipidura fuliginosa - a small, friendly, insect-eating bird of the bush and domestic gardens which has a distinctive tail resembling a spread fan.

(Te Pihinga Study Guide (Ed. 1): 2; Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 182;)

Nā, kia mōhio tātou, ko ngā tīwaiwaka e tītakataka nei ka hura rā hoki ngā hukumaro ki runga, ka riro ko te upoko ki raro (TTT 1/10/1929:1086). / Now, we should know that fantails flit about opening their tail feathers up and with their head going down.

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See also tīrairaka

Synonyms: tīrakaraka, tītīrairaka, tīraureka, pīrakaraka, pīrangirangi, pītakataka, wakawaka, tīrairaka pango, kōtiutiu, pīwaiwaka, tīrairaka, hīwaiwaka, hīrairaka, pīwakawaka, pīrairaka, tīwaiwaka, tītakataka


1. (noun) fantail, Rhipidura fuliginosa - a small, friendly, insect-eating bird of the bush and domestic gardens which has a distinctive tail resembling a spread fan.


1. (noun) fantail, Rhipidura fuliginosa - a small, friendly, insect-eating bird of the bush and domestic gardens which has a distinctive tail resembling a spread fan.


1. (noun) fantail, Rhipidura fuliginosa - a small, friendly, insect-eating bird of the bush and domestic gardens which has a distinctive tail resembling a spread fan.

(Te Pihinga Study Guide (Ed. 1): 2; Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 182;)

Nā, ka tae mai ngā miromiro, ngā pītoitoi, ngā tātāeko, ngā kōriroriro, ia manu, ia manu, me ngā tīrairaka, ka rūpeke mai (NM 1928:22). / So the white breasted tits, the New Zealand robins, the whiteheads, the grey warblers, each bird together with the fantails all assembled.

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Synonyms: tīrakaraka, tītīrairaka, tīraureka, pīrakaraka, pīrangirangi, pītakataka, wakawaka, tīrairaka pango, kōtiutiu, pīwaiwaka, tīwakawaka, hīwaiwaka, hīrairaka, pīwakawaka, pīrairaka, tīwaiwaka, tītakataka

me ko pīwaiwaka

1. you're a nark, you’re a tattletale - an idiom likening someone to the fantail who laughed at Māui trying to enter Hinenuitepō causing her to wake and discover his plot to kill her.

Tama: Nā wai tātou i whāki? Hata: Nāku! Kei hē kē atu tēnei raruraru. Tama: E tama, me ko pīwaiwaka koe. / Tama: Who told on us? Hata: I did! Unless we get in more trouble. Tama: Oh man, you’re a nark.

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1. (noun) fantail, Rhipidura fuliginosa - a small, friendly, insect-eating bird of the bush and domestic gardens which has a distinctive tail resembling a spread fan.

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