1. (noun) fantail, Rhipidura fuliginosa - a small, friendly, insect-eating bird of the bush and domestic gardens which has a distinctive tail resembling a spread fan.
(Te Pihinga Study Guide (Ed. 1): 2; Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 182;)
Nā, ka tae mai ngā miromiro, ngā pītoitoi, ngā tātāeko, ngā kōriroriro, ia manu, ia manu, me ngā tīrairaka, ka rūpeke mai (NM 1928:22). / So the white breasted tits, the New Zealand robins, the whiteheads, the grey warblers, each bird together with the fantails all assembled.
Synonyms: tīrakaraka, tītīrairaka, tīraureka, pīrakaraka, pīrangirangi, pītakataka, wakawaka, tīrairaka pango, kōtiutiu, pīwaiwaka, tīwakawaka, hīwaiwaka, hīrairaka, pīwakawaka, pīrairaka, tīwaiwaka, tītakataka