1. (verb) (-a) to pierce, stick in upright (as a feather or peg), adorn (with a feather, etc.), shine, fasten with a peg or nail.
Ko ngā patu poto a te hokowhitu nei i huna ki muri i ngā tuarā, i titia iho ki roto i ngā tātua kōtara (JPS 1910:200). / The one hundred and forty men concealed their short clubs behind their backs, stuck in their war-belts.
See also titititi
Synonyms: wero, tīokaoka, poka, tioka, oka, paoka, tōwāwahi, kōwatawata, kohara, hana, kōtamutamu, tīramarama, tōwahiwahi, tīrama, pīata, tore, titiwha, whakahīnātore, whakakanapa, whakakōpura, whakapīata, aho, kōpura, kōrapu, iraira, tīaho, hahana, parakena
2. (verb) to shine, twinkle.
E hau kore ana te pō, e titi ana ngā whetū, e whiti ana te marama, he wā paki (KA 1/1/1862:23). / It was a windless night, the stars were twinkling, the moon was shining, and the weather was fine.
4. (noun) long streaky cloud.
Ka tirohia ngā titi o te rangi (W 1971:425). / The long streaky clouds of the sky were observed.
2. (noun) muttonbird, sooty shearwater, Puffinus griseus, young of the sooty shearwater - a grey-faced petrel with a long slender bill hooked at the tip and silvery-grey flash on the underwings, which nests in underground burrows.
(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 14-16;)
E rua ngā mahinga tītī: ko te nanao ki te pī i te rua; ko te rama pī ka puea i o rātou rua (Te Ara 2011). / There are two stage in harvesting muttonbirds (sooty shearwaters): nanao, when chicks are extracted from their burrows; and rama, when the chicks are caught by torchlight when they come out of their burrows.
1. (loan) (noun) deed (legal).
Ngā tamariki kīhai nei anō i tae ngā tau ki te rua tekau mā tahi, kaua hei mana tā rātou tuhi i ō rātou ingoa ki tētahi pukapuka tīti, rēti, hoko, mōkete, me ērā atu tū pukapuka katoa, e pā ana ki ngā whenua, ki ngā taonga rānei o aua tamariki (TW 31/8/1878:436). / Children not yet twenty-one years of age should not be allowed to sign documents relating to deeds, leases, sales, mortgages and any other kind of document relating to land or their possessions.
1. (noun) uppermost lines of moko on the forehead.
Nōwhea e oti i a ia, i a Te Māhuki, ngā pūhoro, me ngā peke-ngārara - ngā pūtaringa, te ngū, ngā tītī, ngā tīwhana, me ērā atu hanga (KO 14/4/1883:5). / There was no way that he, Te Māhuki, could complete the tattoos on the thighs, on the limbs, the marks under the ears, on the side of the nose, the uppermost lines on the forehead, the lines above the eyebrows, and other ornamentation.
tītī tōrea
1. (noun) game played with sticks thrown in time to a song.
See also tī rākau
manawa tītī
1. (noun) one of great stamina.
Ka kīia te tangata māia he 'manawa tītī', nā te mea ko tērā manu te tītī he manu ka āhei te rērere i te moana nui mō te wā roa (A 2017). / A brave person is said to be a manawa tītī because that bird, the mutton bird, can fly over the ocean for a long time.
Synonyms: manawa piharau