1. (particle) already, long ago, instead, but rather, actually, different, other, another, alternative, at a different time, other than was expected, in a different direction, strange, odd, extraordinary, in a different place, beforehand, afterwards, for another purpose, really, truly - a manner particle that indicates difference or unexpectedness. Follows immediately after the word it qualifies. The verb it follows is often preceded by kua. Where kē follows a verb in the passive it will take a passive ending also, usually -tia. In this situation the passive ending may be dropped from the verb, but not from kē. As with other manner particles in Māori, while having a general overall meaning, kē can be translated in a variety of ways, depending on the context.
(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 120; Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 44, 91-92;)
Kua waiata kē tōu hoa. / Your friend has already sung.
Kua iriiria kētia a Hēmi hei Mihingare, engari hei mihi māna ki a Edith i whai kē ia i te Hāhi Perehipitīriana (TTR 2000:159). / Hēmi had been baptised an Anglican, but to honour Edith he joined the Presbyterian Church.
Kāore i puritia e te wahine mahue tētahi whakaahua kotahi nei o tana tāne - whiua kētia katoatia ana ki te rāpihi (HJ 2015:24). / The abandoned wife did not hold on to a single photograph of her husband - instead she threw them all into the rubbish.
Kāore he aha ki a au mēnā ka tirohia taku whaea e tōna ake tākuta, he tākuta kē rawa atu rānei. Ko te mea nui, kia tirohia ia i te rangi tonu nei (HJ 2015:25). / It doesn't matter to me whether my mother is seen by her own doctor, or a completely different doctor. The important thing is that she is seen this very day.
Synonyms: tāukiuki, noa atu, whāioio, neha, noa mai, aua atu (rā), noa ake, whanokē, atu, anō, ērā atu, kē atu, koia, koia, tinana, koa, katoa, rawa, i neki, inā, tonu, ata, rā anō, rā pea, rānō, mārie, mārika, mārire, ia rā, tino
1. (verb) to make a sharp abrupt sound, crack, scream, screech.
Tau: He aha tērā e kē mai rā? Ira: Ko te puoho ahi - kia tata pau te kaha o te pūhiko, ka kē mai, kia mōhio ai te tangata me pūhiko hou (HJ 2012:287). / Tau: What's that screeching? Ira: It's the fire alarm - when the battery is nearly flat, it screeches so that one knows that the it must have a new battery.
Synonyms: ngoe, tioro, pioro, tīwē, ngoengoe, tekekō, ngāngā, ngē, kīrea, kā
2. (modifier) screeching, screaming.
Ka tau rātou ki te kai, ka noho kē tētahi ki runga rawa i tētahi rākau hei tūtei, ka kite ia i te kāhu, i te kārearea rānei e rere ana, ka puta tana tangi kē (TWM 18/7/1867:3). / When they land to eat one remains right up in a tree as a sentry and when it sees a harrier hawk or a New Zealand falcon it utters a sharp screeching sound.
Synonyms: whakatioro
wāhi kē
1. (location) somewhere else, elsewhere, another place, a different place - often used like a location word and follows ki, i, kei and hei directly as in this first example.
Kua hītengitengi te whare ki runga i ngā poro rākau - taihoa ka tōia ki wāhi kē (PK 1008:117). / The house has been raised up on logs - soon it will be hauled somewhere else.
Kāore i roa i muri mai, kua nekehia au ki tētahi wāhi kē, kua tītakataka mō te hoki ki te kāinga, ki Nūhaka (HP 1991:221). / Not long after that I was transfered to another place in preparation for the return home to Nūhaka.
2. (noun) different person.
Otirā ki a Rangi-uia, tohunga o Te Rāwheoro, he tangata kē a Paikea, whitia ana ko Kahutia-te-rangi (M 2006:438). / But according to Rangi-uia, high priest of Te Rāwheoro (School of Sacred Learning), Paikea was a different person who was confused with Kahutia-te-rangi (M 2006:439).
warea kē
1. (verb) obsessed, preoccupied, carried away, fixated.
Warea kē ana ērā ki te whakaātaahua mai, me te aha, maroke ake ana nei, maroke ake ana nei. / They were carried away with beautifying themselves and as a result they were quite boring.
Synonyms: māharahara, tāuteute, pakihaha
aro kē
1. (modifier) non-standard.
Ko te nuinga o ngā waeine aro kē mō te ine, e whakamahi ana i tētahi wāhanga o te tinana, pērā i te kōnui me te mati (hei ine i ngā mea paku), i te matikara me te mārō (TRP 2010:311). / Most of the non-standard units of measurement use a part of the body, such as the thumb or finger (for measuring small things), the handspan, and the outstretched arms (TRP 2010:311).
2. Often used following adjectives in comparisons.
Kei te mahi te tangata ki te wāwāhi i ana taiapa kia pakupaku kē atu. / The man is working to split up his paddocks so that they are smaller.
See also pai kē atu
poka kē
1. (verb) to be different, altered.
Kei ō rātau taha tonu ngā mea tino whakamīharo o ēnei moutere, ngā mea tino rongonui ki te ao, ngā waiariki, ngā moana, te iwi Māori poka kē te āhua i ērā atu iwi Māori o te ao (TTT 1/9/1925:300). / Quite close to them are many amazing things of these islands, many world famous things, thermal pools, oceans, the Māori tribes who are different from other indigenous peoples of the world.
taputapu kē
1. (verb) neat, choice, cool, excellent, terrific, great, fantastic - a colloquialism complimenting the listener(s) on something they have done or achieved.
Synonyms: tōrire, pūhangaiti, tōingo, tau
mahue kē
1. instead of, instead.
Ahakoa tana tono atu kia whakaurua atu ia hei minita mō te Ope Taua 28 (Māori) o Aotearoa, arā, te hokowhitu Māori, nā te kore i tika o te tinana i kore ai ia i tukua atu, mahue kē mai ana ia ki te mahi mā te ope tautiaki o te haukāinga (TTR 2000:249). / Although he applied to join the 28th New Zealand (Māori) Battalion chaplaincy, he was rejected on health grounds, and he worked instead for the Home Guard.
kawe kē
1. (verb) (kawea kētia) to divert, change, deviate, alter.
Mehemea ka kawea ketia te raina ka pau te moni neke ake i te whā mano pauna (£4,000), ka kino hoki ngā kōpikopikonga o taua raina, ka ikeike ngā pikitanga (TWMNT 6/2/1877:55). / If the line was diverted it would entail a cost of over four thousand pounds (£4,000), and it would have bad curves and steep gradients.