



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) (-tia) to think frequently of, think about.

Ka māharahara te iwi rā ki te take e mate ai taua ngārara i a rātou (JPS 1894:166). / The people thought about a plan by which they might kill that reptile.

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Synonyms: anipā

2. (verb) to be anxious, preoccupied, worried, apprehensive.

Kāore aku māharahara nō te mea kei te mōhio au kei konei tonu kōrua hei tieki i ā tātou tamariki, me tōna kī ake anō kei te pai, kaua e māharahara atu ki a ia (TKO 15/2/1917:9). / I have no concerns because I know that you two are still here to care for our children and his saying that he is fine and don't worry about him.

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Synonyms: tāuteute, warea kē, pakihaha

3. (noun) anxiety, worry, apprehension.

Engari kua puta mai te māharahara me te mataku ki a au nōtemea i whakakīia aku taringa me tōku ngākau ki te kōrero o te kēhua i a au anō e tamariki ana (TKO 30/1/1921:1). / But I am worried and afraid because my ears and heart were filled with stories of ghosts when I was a child.

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