



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words

pakaru te tero o te tīkaokao

1. It's beyond redemption, totally stuffed,  overcome by circumstances, beaten - a colloquialism indicating that something is broken or someone is totally exhaused, or something has gone completely awry.

(Ka hoki mai a Pare i te hāereere, e amo ana i tana pahikara. Kua pau te hau o tētahi o ngā wīra, ka mutu, kua makere iho te tīni. Nā tēnei tūāhua, kua mea atu a Rangi ki tana hoa) Auē, taukiri ē, kua pakaru te tero o te tīkaokao! (HKK 1999:99). / (Pare returns from tripping around carrying his bicycle. The tyres are flat and, what's more, the chain has fallen off. Because of this situation, Rangi says to his friend:) Oh dear, that looks stuffed!

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1. (noun) return, circumstance of returning.

Ko tāna mahi i tēnei o ōna hokinga mai he hohou haere i te rongo i waenganui o ngā hapū e pakanga tonu ana tētahi ki tētahi (TP 6/1907:5). / His work on this return trip was to establish peace amongst the kinship groups that were still at war with one another.

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Synonyms: whakahoki, whakahokihoki, hoki, paremata, waihape, auraki


1. (location) the place, time or circumstance mentioned before, that place, there - a location word, or locative, that acts like a pronoun for place names. Follows immediately after particles such as ki, i, hei and kei or is preceded by a when used as the subject of the sentence.

He tipuna nō mātau nō Te Whāiti. Ko tō mātau hapū o reira ko Ngāti Whare. / We have relations from Te Whāiti. Our hapū there is Ngāti Whare.

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1. (noun) circumstance, time or place of striking, beating, etc.

2. (noun) edition, publication, hard copy.

Ko te aronga e whāia ana e rātou, ko te puta o te tānga hou o te Paipera hei tauira tino tōtika tonu mō te reo Māori, me te whakahoki mai anō i te reka o te waiata, i te tangi, i te whiti, me te rangirangi o te reo ki roto i te Paipera (TTR 1998:131). / Their aim was that the new edition of the Bible would be a standard work on the Māori language and would put back into the Bible the sweet musical tone and cadence, rhythm and poetry of the language.

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Synonyms: whakaputa, pānuitanga


1. (noun) felling (circumstance of felling a tree).

Ētahi mea hei oranga mō ō koutou tinana ko ngā rori me ngā awakeri hei hekenga mō te wai i ngā wāhi hāpua; te tuakanga me te tahutahunga i ngā ngāherehere; me te whakapai i ngā whenua (TWMNT 3/4/1872:60). / Some things that will provide a livelihood are the roads and drainage of the ponds; the felling and burning of the forests; and the improvements to the land.

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2. (noun) disembowelling (circumstance of disembowelling).

Kotahi wiki i muri mai ka mau tētahi arikeita, nō te tuakanga i te puku ka kitea ngā kahu o taua Pākehā i roto (TP 4/1904:8). / One week later an alligator was caught and when it was disembowelled the clothes of that Pākehā were discovered inside it.

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1. (noun) bend, corner, turning, rotation, revolution, conversion.

Nō te taenga ki taua hurihanga nei, ka ngaro ona mahara, ka kotiti te haere o tō rātau waka (HP 1991:8). / When they reached that corner he lost consciousness and their vehicle went off course.

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Synonyms: whananga, huri

2. (noun) changing, circumstance of changing, turning.

Hohoro tonu te hurihanga i taku ingoa ki te ingoa o taku koroua, ki a Hēmi Te Koaka (HP 1991:18). / They quickly changed my name to that of my granduncle, Hēmi Te Koaka.

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3. (noun) rotation (maths).

E toru ngā tikanga hei whakaatu i tētahi hurihanga – ko te pū, te ahunga, me te rahi o te hurihanga. E tutuki ai te hurihanga o tētahi mea, me ōrite te koki o te huri i ia wāhanga o taua mea i te pū huringa kotahi (TRP 2010:128). / There are three important aspects of a rotation, the centre of the rotation, the direction and the amount of rotation. A rotation is completed when all parts of an object are rotated an equal amount around a common centre of rotation (TRP 2010:128).

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4. (noun) cycle, circuit.

Ko te hurihanga hauota tētahi mea nui e ora tonu ai ngā rauropi katoa o Papatūānuku (RP 2009:208). / The nitrogen cycle is an important thing for continued life of all organisms on Earth.

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1. (noun) circumstance of acquiring, obtaining, acquisition.

Nō te rironga mai o ēnei taangata i a Kupe kātahi anō ka hari te ngākau o Kupe (JPS 1957:219). / When Kupe obtained these men Kupe's heart was glad.

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Synonyms: kaitaonga, whiwhinga

2. (noun) circumstance of taking away, carrying away.

Te rironga mai i te tangata ki roto i tōna whare, kua takahia te upoko, kua mate (JPS 1895:137). / When it's taken into the hut by the man, he treads on its head, and it dies.

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3. (noun) circumstance of going, departure, going away.

I te tekau tau atu i 1920, i te rironga atu o Allen Bell, te rangatira o te nūpepa, te 'Northlander' ki te Whare Pāremata, he nui te wā i noho ai a Rehutai hei kaiētita mō taua pepa (TTR 1998:97). / During the 1920s when Allen Bell, the owner of the 'Northlander' newspaper, had gone to Parliament, Rehutai for a long time was editor for the newspaper.

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4. (noun) asset.


1. (noun) circumstance of guarding, protection, preservation - nominalised form of tiaki.

Me tono ia ki ngā mema kia āta whakaaro rātou ki tēnei tikanga nui, arā te tiakanga o ngā ngāherehere, me ngā hē e tupu mai ana i runga i te mahi whakapau kau i aua ngāherehere (TWMNT 28/7/1874:183). / He must ask the members to think carefully about this important issue, that is the preservation of the forests, and to the injurious effects of destroying them.

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See also tiaki

Synonyms: whakauka, rokiroki, kaikaro, taumaru, whakahaumaru, pātūtū, taumarumaru, tiaki, tiakitanga, papare, whakangungu rākau, waonga, amarara, hamarara, parahau, whakahau, whakangungu, pare, puapua, whakamaru


1. (noun) learning, subject, discipline, profession, school, educational course, academic programme, academic course, teaching, class, lesson.

O ngā nēhi Māori o tōna wā, ko ia anake te mea momoho, ikeike rawa ki te taumata o te akoranga nēhi (TTR 1998:103). / Of the nurses of her era, she alone was so successful and eminent reaching the summit of the nursing profession.

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Synonyms: wānanga, manapou, umanga, kura, tuihana, whare kura, wharekura

2. (noun) circumstance of learning, time of learning, place of learning.

He tangata hūmārika noa a Ānaru, ā, nā tana akoranga ki te ture me ngā mahi ake āna i a ia i te Tari Māori i āhei ia ki te whakahaere i ngā take ka nuku kē atu te mana o te poari (TTR 2000:1) / Ānaru was a courteous person, and because of his learning of the law and his work for the Māori Affairs Department, he was able to conduct the board’s affairs and increase its mana.

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1. (noun) circumstance of throwing down, destruction, demolition - derived noun form from turaki.

I tonoa atu a Waitiri ki te Kāreti o Te Aute kura ai, engari nā te turakanga a te rū i tētahi wāhi o te kura i Te Matau-a-Māui i te tau 1931, i mutu wawe ai tana kura (TTR 2000:240). / Waitiri was sent to Te Aute College to be educated, but because of destruction by the earthquake of part of the school in Hawke's Bay in 1931, his schooling was cut short.

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1. (noun) way, aspect, likeness, circumstance, characteristic, property, feature, function, attribute, trait, phenomenon.

Erangi, ahakoa e iti haere ana te rahi me te awe o te Kīngitanga, he nui ngā āhuatanga e whakaatu mai ana kua huri haere kē tōna āhua ki tērā o te rōpū ōkawa (TTR 1996:84). / But although the size and influence of the King Movement was shrinking, in many ways it was showing that it was changing to a more formal group.

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Synonyms: taurite, ritenga, oho, āhua, rite, whakaritenga, ariā, mea, kame, rawa, taonga, utauta, hautaonga, hanga

kāti anō [koe] kia ...

1. it was quite right, it was appropriate, it's only right that - a kīwaha suggesting that something was appropriate given the circumstances.

Kāti anō kia whakatā ia - kua ono rā kē hoki e pukumahi ana (HJ 2012:45). / It's only right that she has a rest - she's been working hard for six days.
Kāti anō koe kia haere mai ki tēnei hui. Mēnā kāore koe i puta mai, tērā pea kua riro te kaupapa i a Kāwekaweka (HKK 1999:34). / It's only right that you came to this meeting. If you hadn't appeared, Kāwekaweka would probably have obtained the project.

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