



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) to be alike, matching, equivalent, synonymous.

E ai ki tāna ko ngā taha wairua, ngā tikanga me ngā āhuatanga ā-iwi o Tūhoe e taurite tonu ana ki ērā o te Hāhi Ringatū (TTR 1998:194). / In his view, the spiritual, cultural and social dictates of Tūhoe were synonymous with those of the Ringatū church.

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Synonyms: whakataurite, tauriterite

2. (verb) to be opposite.

Ka taurite rātou ki tētehi kāinga ka karangatia atu mā rātou e kōrero ki ngā mea e whai atu i a rātou kua roa noa atu tō rātou pahemotanga (NIT 1995:225). / When they were opposite a particular village they were called out to and were told that the ones they were following had passed long ago.

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3. (verb) to be balanced.

E taurite ana te taha mauī o te whakairo me te taha matau, arā, he hangarite (RTA 2014:172). /

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4. (modifier) opposite.

Kua noho taurite te tokorua kia pai te titiro hāngai, tētahi ki tētahi (PK 2008:896). / The couple sat opposite each other so that they look at each other more easily.

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Synonyms: hakehakeā, taitua, hāngai, tauaro, tuarite

5. (noun) similarity, uniformity, likeness, resemblance.

Ko te wāhi ki mua he mea rui ki te karaihe, ka tapahia ki te mīhini. Pai ana te taurite o te takoto (TTT 1/5/1928:781). / The area in front was sown with grass and cut with a machine. The uniformity of how it lay was nice.

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Synonyms: ōrite, ritenga, oho, āhua, āhuatanga, rite, whakaritenga, ariā, tairitenga

6. (noun) average, commonality.

I ngā tau tōmua o te mano tau 2000, ko te taurite o ngā whenua pupuri o ia rōpū pupuri ko te 59 heketea, me ngā kaipupuri e 73 te tokomaha (Te Ara 2013). / In the early 2000s an average land holding was 59 hectares, with 73 owners per title.

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7. (noun) balance.

Ko te taurite te āhua o tā te ringatoi whakanoho i ngā āhuatanga hoahoa ki roto i tana mahinga toi, pērā i ngā wāhanga mātātea me ngā wāhanga mātāuri o tētahi mahinga toi ataata, o ngā oro mārū me ngā oro tīkā rānei i tētahi toi puoro (RTA 2014:172). / The balance is the way an artist arranges the basic design elements within an artwork, such as the light and dark areas of a piece of visual art, and the low and high pitched sounds of a piece of music (RTA 2014:172).

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Synonyms: whakataurite, whārite, whakatautika, hangarite

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