1. (verb) to be like, alike, similar, identical, even, equal.
I āhua ōrite ngā kapa i te weheruatanga, engari, i te haurua tuarua, ka puta ngā hautipua o Aotearoa ki te kawe i a rātou ki te taumata angitu. / The teams were pretty even at half-time, but in the second half the stars of New Zealand emerged to take them to the successful outcome.
Synonyms: pīrangi, rata, rite, matareka, ānō nei, enanga, kei, tairite, riterite, manako, me, pai, ānō
2. (adjective) be congruent, equal (maths).
He ōrite: Kāore he rerekētanga o tētahi mea i tētahi. He nui ngā momo 'ōrite' motuhake i te ao pāngarau. He kupu motuhake i te reo Pākehā mō ēnei momo, engari i te reo Māori, ka tāpirihia he kupu anō ki te 'ōrite' hei whakaatu i te āhuatanga e ōrite ana (TRP 2010:182). / Congruent/equal: Where there is no difference between one thing and another. There are many ways in which things are referred to as being the same in mathematics. There are specific words in English, but in Māori, words are appended to 'ōrite' to describe the particular attribute that is the same (TRP 2010:182).
3. (modifier) being equal, being similar (to something else).
Nō te wā o te Pakanga Tuatahi o te Ao, ka kīia he whana i te mana kāwanatanga kē te mahi a Rua, arā, ko tōna pūtake hoki e whai ana i ngā tikanga ōrite i raro i te ture, me te kaupapa o te whakamārietanga anō hoki (TTR 1996:179). / In the First World War, Rua's activities were seen as seditious, namely that his purpose was the pursuit of equality under the law, and in the cause of pacifism.
4. (noun) similarity, resemblance, closeness, sameness.
Whakamahia ai te ‘taua āhua anō rā’ hei whakaatu i te ōrite o te āhua o ētahi mea e rua, neke atu rānei (HKK 1999:179). / 'Taua āhua anō rā' is used to show the similarity in the appearance of two, or more, things.
5. (noun) draw, tie (score).