1. (experience verb) (-hia,-tia) to need, want, desire, like, hanker for.
Ka pīrangi a Ngārue ki a Uru-te-kakara hei wahine māna, ka whakaaetia e ngā mātua, e te iwi hoki (JPS 1925:311). / Ngārue desired Uru-te-kakara as a wife. This was agreed to by her elders and also by the people.
See also hiahia haere
Synonyms: ānō, rata, rite, matareka, ānō nei, enanga, kei, tairite, riterite, manako, me, ōrite, pai
2. (noun) desire, wish, need, want, aspiration, hope.
Ko te pīrangi a Busby mā te haki e whakakotahi ngā mahi a te iwi Māori (Te Ara 2016). / Busby hope was that the flag would unite the actions of the Māori people.