1. (verb) (-tia) to return repeatedly, return (to a variety of places), return (at different times).
2. (verb) (-a,-tia) to answer (a number of questions).
Hei a Hepetema ka whakahokihokia ai ngā pātai (HKW 1/8/1898:7). / In September the questions will be answered.
3. (noun) answer, response, reply, riposte.
I ētahi rangi nei kātahi ka hopungia tētahi tangata ki te herehere, ki te whakaaro he pōrangi i tētahi rangi ake ka mauria ki te aroaro o te kaiwhakawā, ka patapataitia, rerekē noa atu ngā whakahokihoki i ngā patapatai, kātahi ka tino tuturu te pēnei he pōrangi, kātahi ka tonoa he tākuta (TPH 30/8/1898:4). / Some days ago a man was taken prisoner and it was thought that he was crazy when he was taken before the judge and questioned a day later, but the responses to the questions were quite strange and then he was really thought to be mad and so a doctor was sent for.
Synonyms: utu, urupare, whakahoki, whakautu, paremata, kupu paremata, kātoitoi