2. (noun) circumstance of taking away, carrying away.
Te rironga mai i te tangata ki roto i tōna whare, kua takahia te upoko, kua mate (JPS 1895:137). / When it's taken into the hut by the man, he treads on its head, and it dies.
3. (noun) circumstance of going, departure, going away.
I te tekau tau atu i 1920, i te rironga atu o Allen Bell, te rangatira o te nūpepa, te 'Northlander' ki te Whare Pāremata, he nui te wā i noho ai a Rehutai hei kaiētita mō taua pepa (TTR 1998:97). / During the 1920s when Allen Bell, the owner of the 'Northlander' newspaper, had gone to Parliament, Rehutai for a long time was editor for the newspaper.
4. (noun) asset.