



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) large violet snail, common purple snail, purple storm snail, Janthina janthina - a marine sea snail that drifts with the wind on the surface of the ocean with a bubble raft. Found worldwide in warm seas.


1. (noun) young dark rock shell, young snail whelk, Haustrum haustorium - a large species of predatory sea snail. The shell has a low point, weak spiral groves and large aperature. Dark brown to purple in colour, white inside. Common among rocks between tides.

See also kāeo


1. (noun) Cook's turban shell, Cookia sulcata - a large, round, heavy univalve that lives under rocks just below low tide.

2. (noun) dark rock shell, snail whelk, Haustrum haustorium - a large species of predatory sea snail. The shell has a low point, weak spiral groves and large aperature. Dark brown to purple in colour, white inside. Common among rocks between tides.

3. (noun) freshwater mussel, Hyridella menziesi - a bivalve mollusc which lives in fine mud or sand in freshwater lakes, ponds, streams and rivers. Has a dark, olive-brown coated shell and the inside is grayish-white.

See also kākahi

pūpū rangi

1. (noun) kauri snails, Paryphanta spp. - look like ordinary garden snails but are much bigger.

pūpū harakeke

1. (noun) flax snails, Placostylus spp. - large snails with a long, tapered coil, most being dark reddish-brown to chocolate.

(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 164;)

Kai Te Aupōuri me Ngāti Kurī tētahi atu ngārara ngata he pūpū harakeke tōna ingoa (TWK 41:17). / In Te Aupōuri me Ngāti Kurī territory there is another monster snail called a pūpū harakeke (Placostylus ambagiosus).

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2. (noun) shell of the flax snail used as a musical instrument.

Ka hangaia tēnei taonga whakatangitangi, te pūpū harakeke i te anga o te pūpū harakeke, he momo ngata ka noho ki te pū harakeke (RTP 2015:79). / This musical instrument, the pūpū harakeke, is made from the shell of a flax snail, a type of snail that lives in flax bushes.

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1. (noun) rattle - made of several pieces of bone or wood and hung around a dog's neck when hunting kiore, kiwi and kākāpō.

2. (noun) conch shell trumpet - with an attached short, wooden mouthpiece.

3. (noun) Cook's turban shell, Cookia sulcata - a large, round, heavy univalve that lives under rocks just below low tide.

See also kāeo

4. (noun) knobble whelk, Austrofusus glans - a species of medium-sized sea snail or whelk, a marine gastropod mollusc.

5. (noun) dark rock shell, snail whelk, Haustrum haustorium - a large species of predatory sea snail. The shell has a low point, weak spiral groves and large aperature. Dark brown to purple in colour, white inside. Common among rocks between tides.

He tōrino te āhua o te anga o te kākara, he anga manauri, he mā a roto, he awaawa whāiti e kōmiro ana i te anga, he waha nui tonu. / The shell shape of the dark rock shell is spiral, a dark shell that is white inside having narrow grooves spiralling around the shell and it has a quite wide mouth opening.

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1. (noun) Cook's turban shell, Cookia sulcata - a large, round, heavy univalve that lives under rocks just below low tide.

See also kāeo

2. (noun) dark rock shell, snail whelk, Haustrum haustorium - a large species of predatory sea snail. The shell has a low point, weak spiral groves and large aperature. Dark brown to purple in colour, white inside. Common among rocks between tides.

3. (noun) freshwater mussel, Hyridella menziesi - a bivalve mollusc which lives in fine mud or sand in freshwater lakes, ponds, streams and rivers. Has a dark, olive-brown coated shell and the inside is grayish-white.

See also kākahi


1. (noun) snail, slug.

Kei a ia te whānau a Hine-mākinokino, arā, te hātaretare, me ngā tini ngārara (TJ 17/11/1898:5). / He has the family of Hine-mākinokino, that is the slugs and snails and the many insects.

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2. (noun) invertebrate.

He rerekē tēnei manu, inarā he manu kai hātaretare, arā, mā te tirikohu ki te wai kia ketuketu i ngā toka me ōna ngutu (Te Ara 2015). / This bird is unusual in that it is a bird that eats invertebrates, by diving down into the water to fossick around in the boulders with its beak.

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1. (noun) mud-flat snail, mudsnail, Amphibola crenata - an air breathing mollusc which lives in a habitat that is intermediate between the land and the sea. A very common univalve mollusc on tidal mudflats. Has a wrinkled-looking shell and was eaten in large quantities.

See also tītiko

Synonyms: wētiwha, whētikotiko, karahū, karehu, whētiko, takarepo, karariwha, karekawa, koeo, koeti, koio, korohiwa, kororiwha, marapeka, matamatangongo, karahiwa, kararuri, kawari, koeti, kōrama, korona, kūpā, matamatangongo, mātangata, kōramu, tōrire, hānea, tākupu, rehoreho, taiwhatiwhati, tanetane, torewai, uere, wahawaha, tohemanga, tairaki, pipi tairaki, kuharu, kūkuku, kūkukuroa, kukupati, papahurihuri, poua, toitoi, tikoaka, matatangata, matapura, tōrire, hānea, kurewha, pipi taiari, rereho, takarape, tanetane, tāwiri, tungangi, wahawaha, tohemanga, pure, ngūpara, pipi tairaki, kuharu, kūkuku, kūkukuroa, kukupati, pūkanikani, hākari, rerekākara, tio, toheroa, tuangi, tuangi haruru, kākara, mitimiti, ngārahu tatawa, ngārahu taua, peke, kaitangata, pūpū kōrama, tihipu, tihi, tio para, tipa, totorere, tupa, ngākihi, ngaingai, kākahi, taiawa, rūharu, kuhakuha, ngākihi hahae, ngākihi awaawa, ngākihi tea, matangongore, matangārahu, maurea, tītiko, ngaeti, karoro, ururoa, wahanui, pipi, ngākihi hiwihiwi, papatai, hohehohe, kōmore, pātiotio, peraro, pūkauri, pūpū karikawa, pūpū māeneene, pūpū waharoa, pūtātara, pūrimu, takai, tūroro, pōrohe, angarite, hauwai, harihari, hihiwa, hinangi, hopetea, whāngai karoro, pīpipi, pūpū taratara, pāua, poro, tātara, pūpū tarataratea, tuangi, kaitua, miware, pūpū, ngārahu taua, ataata, kaitangata, pūpū kōrama, pūpū atamarama, tihi, tio repe, totoro, tuatua, toretore, ngaingai, kākahi, taiawa, tūpere, ngaere, kukupara, kuku-mau-toka, niania, matangārahu, mimiti, ngāruru, papatua, waharoa, ngāeo, tūteure, ngākihi kopia, hahari, hūai, pātitotito, peraro, pūkauri, pūpū harakeke, pūpū tuatea, pūpū waitai, purewha, ruheruhe, tākai, piritoka, kahitua, awatai, harihari, hihiwa, hinangi, hoehoe, kāeo, pīpipi, pūpū rore, pāua, poro, tātara, pūpū tarataratea


1. (noun) mud-flat snail, mudsnail, Amphibola crenata - an air breathing mollusc which lives in a habitat that is intermediate between the land and the sea. A very common univalve mollusc on tidal mudflats. Has a wrinkled-looking shell and was eaten in large quantities.


1. (noun) mud-flat snail, mudsnail, Amphibola crenata - a Northern dialect word for a species of air breathing gastopod which lives in a habitat that is intermediate between the land and the sea. A very common univalve mollusc on tidal mudflats. Has a wrinkled-looking shell and was eaten in large quantities.

Ko ērā ki te mahi kai, arā, ki te kohi mātaitai, te pipi, tio, karehu rānei (TWK 55:19). / There were others to prepare the food, that is to collect seafood, pipi, oysters or mud-flat snails.

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See also tītiko

Synonyms: koriakai, wētiwha, whētikotiko, karahū, whētiko, takarepo


1. (noun) mud-flat snail, mudsnail, Amphibola crenata - a Northern dialect word for a species of air breathing gastopod which lives in a habitat that is intermediate between the land and the sea. A very common univalve mollusc on tidal mudflats. Has a wrinkled-looking shell and was eaten in large quantities.

See also karehu, tītiko

Synonyms: whētiko, takarepo, koriakai, wētiwha, whētikotiko, karehu, matatangata, matapura, hānea, tairaki, pipi tairaki, kūkuku, kūkukuroa, kukupati, papahurihuri, poua, toitoi, tikoaka, tuangi, kaitua, miware, pūpū, ngārahu tatawa, peke, kaitangata, pūpū atamarama, tihi, tio para, tipa, totorere, tuatua, tupa, toretore, ngaingai, taiawa, tūpere, ngaere, kukupara, ngākihi awaawa, kuku-mau-toka, niania, matangārahu, mimiti, ngāruru, ngaeti, papatua, karoro, ururoa, ngāeo, tūteure, ngākihi kopia, hahari, hūai, pātitotito, pātiotio, peraro, pūpū karikawa, pūpū harakeke, pūpū tuatea, pūpū waharoa, pūtātara, pūrimu, ruheruhe, takai, tūroro, piritoka, pōrohe, angarite, awatai, harihari, hinangi, hoehoe, kāeo, pīpipi, pūpū taratara, tātara, pūpū tarataratea, pipi taiari, taiwhatiwhati, tanetane, torewai, wahawaha, poro, kararuri, kawari, korohiwa, kororiwha, marapeka, hinangi, hopetea, whāngai karoro, pūpū rore, pāua, tātara, pūpū tarataratea, pātiotio, karariwha, koeti, koio, korona, kūpā, matamatangongo, kōramu, tōrire, hānea, tākupu, rereho, takarape, tāwiri, torewai, uere, pure, karahiwa, karekawa, koeo, koio, kōrama, kūpā, mātangata, matapura, kurewha, rehoreho, takarape, tāwiri, tungangi, tohemanga, ngūpara, pipi tairaki, kuharu, kūkukuroa, pūkanikani, hākari, rerekākara, tio, toheroa, tuangi haruru, kākara, mitimiti, pūpū, ngārahu taua, ataata, pūpū kōrama, tihipu, tio para, tio repe, totoro, totorere, tuatua, tupa, ngākihi, kākahi, rūharu, kuhakuha, ngākihi hahae, ngākihi awaawa, ngākihi tea, matangongore, maurea, tītiko, ngaeti, papatua, waharoa, wahanui, pipi, ngākihi hiwihiwi, papatai, hohehohe, kōmore, pūkauri, pūpū karikawa, pūpū māeneene, pūpū tuatea, pūpū waitai, purewha, pūrimu, ruheruhe, tākai, tūroro, piritoka, kahitua, angarite, hauwai, hihiwa


1. (noun) knobbed triton, Charonia lampas rubicunda - a subspecies of very large sea snail the shell of which is used for conch shell trumpets.

2. (noun) ostrich foot snail, Struthiolaria papulosa - a spindle-shaped, univalve mollusc common near low tide just beneath the surface on sand or tidal flats on open coasts. The shoulder of the shell spiral is knobbly and the heavy lip is white.

Synonyms: pūtaratara

3. (noun) conch shell trumpet with an attached short, wooden mouthpiece.

(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 164; Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 75;)

Ko te pūtātara he taonga pūoro he mea hanga i te anga wahanui nō te moana. Ka hono he waha ki te pito koikoi o te anga. Arā atu anō ētahi ingoa mō tēnei taonga: he potipoti, he pūmoana (TWK 41:12). / A pūtātara is a musical instrument made from the conch shell of the ocean. A mouthpiece is attached to the sharp end of the shell. There are other names for this instrument: 'potipoti' and 'pūmoana'.

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4. (noun) trumpet - best distinguished from the traditional instrument by adding Pākehā.


1. (noun) snail, slug, leech.

Kainga ai e te kiore te ngata (Te Ara 2011). / Rats eat snails.

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Synonyms: kōkopurangi, piriawaawa


1. (noun) pink sunset shell, Gari convexa - a triangular-shaped bivalve mollusc commonly deeply buried in sand near low tide. Narrow shell, pinkish outside with bands of reddish-purple and is reddish-purple inside.

Synonyms: takarape

2. (noun) mud-flat snail, mudsnail, Amphibola crenata - an air breathing mollusc which lives in a habitat that is intermediate between the land and the sea. A very common univalve mollusc on tidal mudflats. Has a wrinkled-looking shell and was eaten in large quantities.


1. (modifier) thorny, spiny, spinous, craggy.

Ki te titiro a te tauhou e āhua whāiti ana te wahapū o Whangaroa, nō te mea e āraitia ana e tētahi kūmore e totoro atu ana ki te wai. Engari kia tae ki roto ka kitea ngā kokorutanga marino, ngā toka pūtaratara, ngā pari poupou, me ngā awaawa, me ngā wāhi e tupuria ana e te rākau (TWMNT 27/6/1876:148). / To a stranger the entrance to the harbour of Whangaroa appears quite narrow, because it is screened by a headland stretching out into the water. But once in the harbour the placid bays, the craggy rocks, the steep cliffs, and the ravines and the places covered by trees can be seen.

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2. (noun) knobbed triton, Charonia lampas rubicunda - a subspecies of very large sea snail the shell of which is used for conch shell trumpets.

3. (noun) conch shell trumpet with an attached short, wooden mouthpiece.

I te taenga mai o te taua, haruru ana te tangi a ngā pūtaratara a te iwi kāinga, tioro ana ki te taringa (TTR 1990:89). / When the war party arrived the conch shell trumpets of the local people were sounded and it was very loud.

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See also pūtātara

4. (noun) ostrich foot snail, Struthiolaria papulosa - a spindle-shaped, univalve mollusc common near low tide just beneath the surface on sand or tidal flats on open coasts. The shoulder of the shell spiral is knobbly and the heavy lip is white.

Synonyms: pūtātara


1. (noun) mud-flat snail, mudsnail, Amphibola crenata - an air breathing mollusc which lives in a habitat that is intermediate between the land and the sea. A very common univalve mollusc on tidal mudflats. Has a wrinkled-looking shell and was eaten in large quantities.

See also tītiko

Synonyms: whētikotiko, karahū, karehu, whētiko, koriakai, takarepo, matatangata, matapura, tōrire, kurewha, tākupu, pipi taiari, rehoreho, rereho, takarape, tāwiri, uere, pure, ngūpara, kūkuku, poua, toitoi, toheroa, kaitua, mitimiti, ngārahu tatawa, peke, pūpū kōrama, tihipu, tio para, tipa, tuatua, ngākihi, pūkanikani, kararuri, kawari, korohiwa, korona, marapeka, kākahi, tūpere, ngākihi hahae, ngākihi awaawa, niania, matangārahu, mimiti, tītiko, papatua, waharoa, wahanui, pipi, ngākihi hiwihiwi, hahari, kōmore, peraro, pūpū karikawa, pūpū māeneene, pūpū waitai, purewha, ruheruhe, tākai, piritoka, kahitua, awatai, harihari, hoehoe, kāeo, pīpipi, pūpū taratara, tātara, totoro, tupa, ngākihi, kākahi, rūharu, ngaere, kukupara, kuku-mau-toka, matangongore, maurea, mimiti, tītiko, ngaeti, karoro, ururoa, wahanui, ngāeo, tūteure, papatai, hūai, pātiotio, pūkauri, pūpū harakeke, pūpū tuatea, pūpū waitai, pūtātara, pūrimu, takai, tūroro, pōrohe, angarite, hauwai, hihiwa, hopetea, whāngai karoro, pūpū rore, poro, karahiwa, karekawa, koeti, kōrama, kūpā, mātangata, kōramu, tōrire, kurewha, tākupu, rehoreho, taiwhatiwhati, tāwiri, tungangi, tohemanga, tairaki, kuharu, kūkukuroa, hākari, rerekākara, tio, tuangi, kākara, pūpū, ngārahu taua, kaitangata, pūpū atamarama, tihi, tio repe, totorere, toretore, ngaingai, taiawa, kuhakuha, kukupara, ngākihi tea, matangārahu, mimiti, ngāruru, papatua, waharoa, wahanui, pipi, ngākihi kopia, hohehohe, pātitotito, peraro, pūpū karikawa, pūpū māeneene, pūpū waharoa, pūtātara, ruheruhe, tākai, piritoka, kahitua, awatai, harihari, hinangi, kāeo, pīpipi, pāua, pūpū tarataratea, karariwha, koeo, koio, kororiwha, matamatangongo, matatangata, matapura, tōrire, hānea, tākupu, rehoreho, taiwhatiwhati, tanetane, torewai, wahawaha, pure, pipi tairaki, kūkuku, kukupati, papahurihuri, rerekākara, tikoaka, tuangi haruru, miware, pūpū, ngārahu taua, ataata, pūpū kōrama, tihipu, tio para, tipa


1. (noun) mudflat top shell, Diloma subrostrata - a top-shaped univalve mollusc of muddy shores. The opening of the shell has a bright yellow lip.

Synonyms: whētiko, mitimiti, ngārahu tatawa, ataata, pūpū atamarama, tio para, tipa, totorere, toretore, ngākihi, kākahi, tūpere, kuhakuha, ngaere, kukupara, kuku-mau-toka, niania, matangārahu, karehu, ngāruru, papatua, ururoa, ngāeo, tūteure, papatai, hūai, pātiotio, pūpū karikawa, pūpū tuatea, pūpū waitai, ruheruhe, takai, tūroro, kahitua, hauwai, hihiwa, hoehoe, kuharu, whāngai karoro, pūpū rore, poro, pūpū tarataratea, kararuri, koeo, koriakai, korohiwa, kororiwha, marapeka, matatangata, tōrire, tākupu, rehoreho, takarape, tāwiri, uere, karahū, tairaki, kāeo, kukupati, papahurihuri, rerekākara, tio, toheroa, kaitua, ngaere, ngākihi hahae, ngākihi awaawa, ngākihi tea, matangongore, maurea, karehu, tītiko, ngaeti, karoro, waharoa, wahanui, pipi, ngākihi hiwihiwi, hahari, kōmore, pātiotio, peraro, pūpū harakeke, pūpū māeneene, pūpū waharoa, pūtātara, pūrimu, tākai, pōrohe, awatai, harihari, hihiwa, hinangi, hopetea, whāngai karoro, pāua, tātara, pūpū tarataratea, totoro, tuatua, toretore, ngaingai, taiawa, tūpere, kuhakuha, ngaere, ngākihi hahae, kuku-mau-toka, niania, matangārahu, mimiti, ngāruru, papatua, ururoa, ngāeo, tūteure, ngākihi kopia, papatai, hohehohe, pātitotito, pūkauri, pūpū harakeke, pūpū tuatea, pūpū waitai, purewha, takarepo, piritoka, angarite, hauwai, hihiwa, hoehoe, kāeo, pīpipi, pūpū taratara, poro, karahiwa, karariwha, karekawa, koeo, koio, kōrama, korona, kūpā, matamatangongo, kōramu, hānea, tākupu, rehoreho, taiwhatiwhati, tanetane, torewai, wahawaha, tohemanga, ngūpara, kuharu, karariwha, kawari, koeti, kōrama, korona, kūpā, mātangata, matapura, kurewha, pipi taiari, rereho, tanetane, tungangi, wētiwha, pure, pipi tairaki, kūkuku, kukupati, papahurihuri, poua, tio, toheroa, tuangi haruru, miware, pūpū, ngārahu taua, kaitangata, tihipu, tio repe, kūkukuroa, pūkanikani, hākari, toitoi, tikoaka, tuangi, kākara, mitimiti, ngārahu tatawa, peke, pūpū kōrama, tihi, tio repe, tipa, totorere, tupa, ngākihi, kākahi, rūharu, kuhakuha

2. (noun) mud-flat snail, mudsnail, Amphibola crenata - an air breathing mollusc which lives in a habitat that is intermediate between the land and the sea. A very common univalve mollusc on tidal mudflats. Has a wrinkled-looking shell and was eaten in large quantities.


1. (noun) mudflat top shell, Diloma subrostrata - a top-shaped univalve mollusc of muddy shores. The opening of the shell has a bright yellow lip.

Synonyms: whētikotiko

2. (noun) mud-flat snail, mudsnail, Amphibola crenata - an air breathing mollusc which lives in a habitat that is intermediate between the land and the sea. A very common univalve mollusc on tidal mudflats. Has a wrinkled-looking shell and was eaten in large quantities.

pūpū whakarongotaua

1. (noun) kauri snails, Paryphanta spp.

Synonyms: pūpū rangi

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