



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (adjective) raging in a passion.


1. belonging to him or her, his, hers, of his, of hers - used in this way when the possessor had control of the relationship or was/is dominant, active or superior to what was/is possessed.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 54-56, 140-141; Te Kākano Study Guide (Ed. 1): 27; Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 22-23;)

Nāna ēnā pukapuka. / Those books are hers.

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Synonyms: āhana, āna, nāhana

2. (particle) he/she did, by him/her.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 30-32; Te Kākano Study Guide (Ed. 1): 41-42;)

Nāna hoki i utu taku haerenga mā runga i te tīma. / She also paid for my sea passage.

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3. that, which - used in relative clauses regardless of the number of people. It refers back to a person, or people, responsible for an action. Often nei is added.

(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 97-99;)

Haere ki ō tāua mātua nāna nei i whakatika ngā mea katoa. / Go to our parents - they fix everything.

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1. (noun) eelgrass, seagrass, Zostera spp. - native marine plants with olive-green, narrow, grass-like leaves which grow below mid-tide, forming wet carpets on muddy sand flats and saltmarshes throughout Aotearoa/New Zealand.

Synonyms: karepō, rimurehia


1. (verb) (-hia,-ia,-tia) to tend carefully, nurse, indulge, pamper, pander to.

I mātai ake ngā Pākehā o mua ki te nānāhia o ngā tamariki Māori e ō rātou mātua, ā, he oranga kore here noa tō rātou (Te Ara 2015). / Early Pākehā observed Māori children being indulged by their parents and leading carefree lives.

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Synonyms: nāhi, tapuhi, morimori, tiaki, nēhi, mohimohi, whakatapuhi, hiki


1. (interjection) behold! look! - sometimes nanā.

Nana, ko ngā iwi, ānō he pata wai i roto i te pēre! (PT Ihaia 40:15). / Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket!

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Synonyms: ināia, inā ia,

2. (noun) eyebrow.

Ka hīia tērā ngā nana, ka riri (W 1971:218). / When that one raises the eyebrows, she's angry.

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3. (noun) tattoo marks between the eyebrows.

nāna anō tōna mate i kimi

1. she thought she knew better, she brought it upon herself, he thought he knew better, he brought it upon himself, he got what was coming to him, she dug her own grave - an idiom.

He iti te mokoroa nāna i kakati te kahikatea

1. Something much larger can be overcome by something much smaller. Alternatively something only minuscule can be a detriment to something quite important.

The caterpillar that gnawed the kahikatea is small. /

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1. (noun) tip, end.

Ka ngaua te ihu o tētahi kaumātua e tētahi taitamariki, ā riro atu te kōmore o te ihu! (TP 1/12/1900:3) / A youth bit the nose of an elder and the tip of the nose came off!

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2. (noun) bracelet, wrist ornament, wristlet, ankle ornament, anklet.

He kōmore tōna e whakarākei ana i te kawititanga o te ringaringa. / She had a bracelet adorning her wrist.

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3. (noun) small tusk shell, Antalis nana - a tusk-shaped mollusc common in very deep water where it burrows wide end-down into sand or mud. Empty shell sometimes washed ashore.

pipi taiari

1. (noun) small tusk shell, Antalis nana - a tusk-shaped mollusc common in very deep water where it burrows wide end-down into sand or mud. Empty shell sometimes washed ashore.

See also kōmore

Synonyms: karekawa, koeti, koriakai, korona, kūpā, mātangata, matapura, kurewha, rehoreho, takarape, torewai, wahawaha, karahū, tairaki, kuharu, kukupati, hākari, toitoi, tikoaka, tuangi, kaitua, miware, ngārahu tatawa, peke, kaitangata, pūpū kōrama, tihipu, tio para, tipa, tuatua, ngākihi, kākahi, rūharu, tūpere, ngaere, ngākihi awaawa, ngākihi tea, matangongore, maurea, karehu, ngaeti, karoro, wahanui, pipi, ngākihi hiwihiwi, papatai, hohehohe, pātitotito, pūkauri, pūpū tuatea, pūtātara, ruheruhe, tākai, pōrohe, awatai, hihiwa, hoehoe, hopetea, whāngai karoro, poro, pūpū tarataratea, purewha, takarepo, tūroro, kahitua, harihari, hinangi, hopetea, whāngai karoro, pūpū taratara, tātara, whētiko, tōrire, kurewha, tākupu, rereho, tanetane, tungangi, wētiwha, tohemanga, ngūpara, kūkuku, pūkanikani, poua, toitoi, tikoaka, tuangi, kaitua, miware, pūpū, peke, kaitangata, pūpū atamarama, tihi, tio repe, totorere, tupa, ngaingai, taiawa, rūharu, tūpere, kuhakuha, ngākihi hahae, kuku-mau-toka, niania, matangārahu, mimiti, tītiko, ngaeti, waharoa, ngāeo, tūteure, hahari, pātiotio, pūkauri, pūpū harakeke, pūpū waitai, purewha, pūrimu, takai, tākai, piritoka, angarite, hauwai, hihiwa, hoehoe, kāeo, pīpipi, pūpū rore, karariwha, pāua, karekawa, koeo, kōrama, korohiwa, kororiwha, marapeka, matatangata, karahiwa, kararuri, kawari, koio, korohiwa, kororiwha, matamatangongo, kōramu, hānea, tākupu, taiwhatiwhati, tāwiri, uere, whētikotiko, pure, pipi tairaki, kūkukuroa, papahurihuri, rerekākara, tio, toheroa, tuangi haruru, kākara, mitimiti, ngārahu taua, ataata, pūpū kōrama, tihipu, tio para, totoro, toretore, ngaingai, taiawa, rūharu, tūpere, ngaere, kukupara, ngākihi tea, matangongore, maurea, karehu, ngāruru, papatua, ururoa, tūteure, ngākihi kopia, hahari, hūai, kōmore, peraro, pūpū karikawa, pūpū māeneene, pūpū waharoa


1. (loan) (personal name) Rev. John Laughton (1891-1965) Presbyterian missionary and friend of Rua Kēnana as a result of working among Tūhoe.

Ahakoa rā te rerekē, riro ana tēnei hei kaupapa whakapū i te noho tahi a Rua rāua ko te mihingare, ko Hoani Rōtene (TTR 1996:182). / Although unusual this was the basis of cooperation between Rua and the missionary, John Laughton.

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See also Rātene, Te

Synonyms: Rātene, Te


1. Applied to the youngest in a family.

2. Provoking, vexatious. Used as in the last case.

3. Foolish - often to begin a clause, as, Mokai whakaaro nana (It was foolish of him to think so).

4. Used simply as a term of opprobrium.


1. (noun) sacred mountain of Tūhoe where the prophet Rua Kēnana established a home for his followers.

(Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 235; Te Kōhure Video Tapes (Ed. 1): 5;)

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