1. belonging to him or her, his, hers, of his, of hers - used in this way when the possessor had control of the relationship or was/is dominant, active or superior to what was/is possessed.
(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 54-56, 140-141; Te Kākano Study Guide (Ed. 1): 27; Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 22-23;)
2. (particle) he/she did, by him/her.
(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 30-32; Te Kākano Study Guide (Ed. 1): 41-42;)
Nāna hoki i utu taku haerenga mā runga i te tīma. / She also paid for my sea passage.
3. that, which - used in relative clauses regardless of the number of people. It refers back to a person, or people, responsible for an action. Often nei is added.
(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 97-99;)
Haere ki ō tāua mātua nāna nei i whakatika ngā mea katoa. / Go to our parents - they fix everything.