



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (stative) be amiable, affable, friendly.

Heoti e noho hoahoa ana rāua tahi i a rāua ka kaumātua haere (TTR 1994:15). / However, they remained close friends when they became elderly.

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2. (noun) spouse, wife, husband, co-wife - used also for two women who are the wives of the same husband.

Ko te wahine nei ko Tau-kai he taupurua rāua ko tōna hoahoa, ko Te Aho-o-te-rangi, ki tā rāua tāne (M 2006:240). / This woman Tau-kai was continually vying with her co-wife, Te Aho-o-te-rangi, for their husband (M 2006:241).
Ka haere tēnei ngā hīrere ki Te Makomako, mā Te Whareroa, mā Te Hautaonga, hei hoahoa mō Tiori (M 2007:288). / Then I travel through the waterfalls to Te Makomako, and note Te Whareroa and Te Hautaonga, as spouses for Tiori (M 2007:289).

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3. (noun) friendship.

Nā tana hoahoa ki a Ngata rāua ko Te Kōti i auau ai tana tūtakitaki ki ngā āpiha a te kāwanatanga (TTR 1996:47). / Her friendship with Ngata and Coates led her into frequent contacts with government officials.

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1. (verb) (-hia,-tia) to take care of, attend to, cherish, husband, look after, save up, store up.

Hei penapena i te pūtea, i kī atu ia he pai kē ake tana haere mā runga waka ā-mahi i te haere mā runga tekehī (TTR 1998:102). / Financially, she said it would be better if she was to use a work vehicle rather than taking a taxi.

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See also penapena rawa

Synonyms: whakaputa i te ihu, karokaro, karo, whakarauora, whakaoraora, whakaora, tieki, tūpore, tiaki, taute, pena, poipoi


1. (verb) to take a second husband or wife.

2. (noun) a dark dogskin cloak.

Ngā taonga i horahia atu ki a Te Paranihi e Te Kooti he ihupuni, he patu parāoa (KO 16/2/1885:2). / The gifts presented to the Honourable Mr Ballance by Te Kooti were a dogskin cloak and a whalebone club.

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hoa tāne

1. (noun) husband, male partner.

I reira hoki ka tūtaki a Hoani Wiremu Hīpango ki a Arapeta te Piriniha, te hoa tāne o Kuīni Wikitōria (TWK 16:11). / At that place Hoani Hīpango also met Prince Albert, the husband of Queen Victoria.

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1. (verb) (-tia) to tend (a child or invalid).

Whakairihia tō pūtiki mohimohi ka whakamara hei whāomoomo mō ō tamariki (W 1971:180). / Hang out your bundle of kōaro to ferment as food for your children.

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2. (verb) (-tia) to conserve, husband, use sparingly.

3. (noun) conservation.

Mā te whāomoomo e toitū ai ngā āhuatanga e ora ai ngā rauropi katoa (RP 2009:457). / Conservation sustains the conditions necessary for living things (RP 2009:457).

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1. (verb) (-tia) to preserve, care for, husband.

E kore rawa e wareware i a Ngāti Tūwharetoa, ka waiho tēnei hei taonga nui ki roto ki te rokiroki a tōna tupuna, a Whakaotirangi (TPH 15/5/1905:8). / Ngāti Tūwharetoa will never forget that this great treasure was left in the care of their ancestor, Whakaotirangi.

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Synonyms: whakapounamu, tohutohu, rarawe, tohu, rongoā, whakauka, whakatote

2. (modifier) perfectly calm.

Synonyms: mōwai rokiroki

3. (noun) preservation, storage.

Arā anō ētahi kātahi anō pea ka āta tuhia ki te reo Māori, pēnei i te rokiroki i ngā kōiwi o te tuatara, ngā mahi whakaipoipo a te kākāpō (HM 3/1998:7). / There are other things that probably have only recently been written about in Māori, such as the preservation of tuatara bones and the courtship activities of kākāpō.

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Synonyms: whakauka, tiakanga

4. (noun) store, collection (of articles), podcast - a collection of digital media files which are distributed over the Internet for playback on portable media players and personal computers.


1. (noun) husband, male, man.

Ka mea ngā tāne me pao te māhunga ki muri o te pane o te toki (HP 1991:20). / The men said that the head should be struck with the back of the axe head.

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Synonyms: taurawhi, tourawhi, tangata, tuatangata,


1. (noun) husband, spouse, partner, lover, darling, beau, boyfriend, girlfriend, sweetheart.

Hei konei rā ē, e te tau pūmau (TTT 1/5/1923:9). / Farewell, my lifelong friend.

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Synonyms: hoa tākunekune, tau o te ate, makau, tahu, kairoro, whaiāipo, ipo


1. (verb) (-na) to support with a pole, prop up, propel with a pole.

Ahakoa mau haere tonu a Meri Mangakāhia ki ngā tōrangapū Māori me te toko anō i tōna iwi, kāore he kōrero i tua atu i rongohia mō āna mahi mō te Kotahitanga (TTR 1994:54). / Although Meri Mangakāhia continued to be active in Māori politics and support of her people, nothing further is written about her participation in the Kotahitanga movement.

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Synonyms: tītoko, tauteka, tokotoko, whakatete, tautoko

2. (verb) (-na) to divorce, separate (husband and wife) by a rite involving karakia.

3. (noun) rod, pole, stilt.

Kātahi ka titiro ki ngā toko o te tūāhu (NM 1928:64). / Then they looked at the rods of the tūāhu.

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Synonyms: matire, tiripou, turupou, tumutumu, tumu, pōra, poupou, pou, koteo, tōpito o te ao, pōhi, turuturu, tīrou, tokotoko


1. (noun) favourite, object of affection, lover, spouse, wife, husband.

Ko tā rāua makau ko Pirihira Kātipa, ā, iwa noa iho tōna pakeke i tōna matenga mai i te tau 1939 (TTR 1996:52). / Their favourite was Pirihira Kātipa, and she died in 1939 when she was only nine.

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Synonyms: māpihi maurea, kaitokomauri, tau, tahu, hoa tākunekune, whaiāipo, ipo, kairoro, tau o te ate


1. (verb) (-hia,-tia) to take care of, attend to, cherish, husband, look after, invest.

Ko ia tonu te tiamana o te hui nui i Te Hauke i te tau 1920, nā rātou i tautoko te tikanga a Ngata ki te pena atu i ngā moni o te Tahua Hōia Māori (TTR 1998:232). / In 1920 he was chairman of a general meeting at Te Hauke which endorsed Ngata's plan for the investment of the money of the Māori Soldiers' Fund.

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Synonyms: tieki, tūpore, tiaki, taute, poipoi, penapena


1. (noun) husband, spouse, partner, lover, beau, boyfriend, girlfriend, sweetheart.

Ka mea atu ia ki tana tahu, "E taku tau, he nui taku aroha mōu." / He said to his lover, "My darling, I am deeply in love with you."

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Synonyms: hoa, hoa haere kōtui, hoa rangatira, kairoro, hoa tākunekune, ipo, whaiāipo, tau o te ate, tau, makau

2. (noun) near relative.

Erangi, he huatea tō rāua mārena. I runga anō i te tikanga Māori, ka heria mai tana tahu, a Rina, ki tō rāua kāinga noho ai, kia puta ai he uri mō William Buck (TTR 1996:9). / But their marriage was childless and, in accordance with Māori custom, a near relative, Rina, was brought into their household to live so that William Buck would have a descendant.

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Synonyms: pākanga kiritahi


1. (verb) (-tia) to give a marriage gift - given by the husband to his wife's father.

Ka moe te tamaiti ki te wahine, ka kaihāpaingatia ki te toki, ki te hei rānei (W 1971:87). / When the boy married his wife a marriage gift was presented, an adze or a neck ornament.

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2. (noun) marriage gift - given by the husband to his wife's father.

Ahakoa he kaihāpainga, ka hoki anō te utu ki te tangata nōna ngā taonga (W 1971:87). / Although it was a marriage gift by the husband to his wife's father, it was reciprocated.

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Synonyms: kaireperepe, kaipākūhā


1. (noun) relative by marriage.

Kāore i te mōhiotia ko wai te whaea o Te Tahuri, engari he hononga ōna ki a Waikato me Ngāti Whātua. Nā ēnei kaireperepe ka uru atu a Te Horetā ki roto i ētahi pakanga i mate ai a Te Tahuri me tana hoa tāne (TTR 1990:192). / It's not known who Te Tahuri's mother was, but she had connections with Waikato and Ngāti Whātua. Through these ties through marriage Te Horetā became involved in some battles when Te Tahuri and her husband were killed.

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2. (noun) marriage gift - given by the husband to hi wife's father.

Ki te tino whakakāhore rawa tōna pāpā, ā e kore e tukua ki a ia, me homai e ia ngā moni e rite ana ki te kaireperepe mō ngā kotiro (PT Ekoruhe 22:17). / If her father utterly refuse to give her unto him, he shall pay money according to the dowry of virgins.

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Synonyms: kaihāpainga, kaipākūhā


1. (verb) Economise, husband.


1. (particle) of, belonging to - used when the possessor has, or had, control of the relationship or is dominant, active or superior to what is possessed. Thus, in most contexts in a sentence, moveable property, tools, things made by humans, food, drink (except water for drinking), husband (tāne), wife (wahine), lover (whaiāipo), children, grandchildren, people in an inferior position, plants and animals, pets and crops, and work are likely to take the a category. If the possessor is active towards the possessed the a category will also be used, including when derived nouns are used this way.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 54-55, 108-109, 140-141; Te Kākano Study Guide (Ed. 1): 2, 16, 23, 33-34, 36; Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 166-167; Te Pihinga Study Guide (Ed. 1): 166-167; Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 113, 178-179;)

Nā te whakamārama a te kaiako, ka mōhio a Pio me pēhea tana mahi. / It was thanks to the teacher's explanation that Pio knew how his work should be done.
Areare ō taringa ki te tangi a te pīpīwharauroa (Te Ara 2015). / Open your ears to the call of the shining cuckoo.
Nō te taenga mai a Te Mōkena ki runga ka hoatu ngā pū māna (TWM 1/7/1865:1). / When Mr Morgan arrived in the south he was given guns.

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Synonyms: , o,


1. (noun) use sparinly, husband.


1. (particle) belonging to (more than one thing) - combines with the dual and plural personal pronouns.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 52-56;)

Ko rāua ā māua tama. / They are our sons.

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2. (particle) has, have, owns - plural of (a possessive).

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 108-110;)

He ngeru ā Hēni. / Jane owns cats.

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Synonyms: ,

3. (particle) those of, the ... of. Used as an alternative form for ngā ... a.

(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 126;)

Ko ā Hēmi tamariki he tāne katoa. / James's children are all males.

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4. (particle) Used in the ways listed above when the possessor has, or had, control of the relationship or is dominant, active or superior to what is possessed. Thus, in most contexts in a sentence, moveable property, tools, things made by humans, food, drink (except water for drinking), husband (tāne), wife (wahine), lover (whaiāipo), children, grandchildren, people in an inferior position, plants and animals, pets and crops, and work are likely to take the a category. If the possessor is active towards the possessed the a category will also be used, including when derived nouns are used this way.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 54-56, 140-141;)

Kotahi rau ā taku whānau hipi i mate i te waipuke. / One hundred of my family's sheep died in the flood.
Koia nei ā Tio mahi. / This is Joe's work.

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See also ā tātou


1. (personal name) Hine-tītama was the eldest daughter of the atua Tāne-nui-a-Rangi and Hine-ahu-one. She had several children to her father, but on learning that her husband was her father she fled to te pō (the underworld) where she receives the souls of the dead and is known as Hine-nui-te-pō.

(Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 48-51, 96;)

Kātahi ka kī atu a Māui ki ōna taokete, 'Kaua koutou e kata ki a au ina tomo au ki roto ki a Hine-nui-te-pō.' (TPH 30/11/1911:9) / Then Māui said to his brothers-in-law, 'You must not laugh at me when I go into Hine-nui-te-pō.'

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See also Hine-tītama, atua


1. (personal name) Hine-tītama was the eldest daughter of the atua Tāne-nui-a-Rangi and Hine-ahu-one. She had several children to her father, but on learning that her husband was her father she fled to te pō (the underworld) where she receives the souls of the dead and is known as Hine-nui-te-pō.

(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 48-51, 96;)

See also atua

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