1. (stative) be dead, deceased, killed.
E kīia ana, nā tētahi kuia o Tūhourangi, he tangi mō ngā rangatira maha o tērā iwi i mate i te horonga o Mokoia i a Ngā Puhi (M 2004:134). / It is said that it is a lament by an elderly woman of Tūhourangi for the many chiefs of that tribe who were killed by Ngā Puhi in the fall of Mokoia.
2. (stative) be sick, ill, ailing, unwell, diseased.
Hei ētahi wa i te Māori e mate ana, i te ohonga ake i te pō e kī ana tōna waha i te toto (TPH 15/6/1902:1). / Sometimes when a Māori person is ill, on waking in the night her mouth will be full of blood.
Synonyms: tarutaruhea, māruru, tūroro, tūpoupou, māuiui
3. (stative) be overcome, beaten, defeated, conquered, vanquished.
Maia-a-te-ahu. Kei roto o Uawa, kei te huarahi atu i Mangaheia ki Waimata, i mate ai Te Aitanga-a-Hauiti i a Ngāti Porou (M 2004:144). / Maia-a-te-ahu. A place in the Ūawa valley (Tolaga Bay), on the road from Mangaheia to Waimata, and the place where Te Aitanga-a-Hauiti were defeated by Ngāti Porou.
Synonyms: poko, raupatu, tae, pārure, takapapa, whakatūoi, whara, whakatina, wikitōria, pāpā, where, kake, poke, tārū, hinga
4. (stative) be in want of, lacking, overcome, deeply in love.
Tekau, tae ki tekau mā rua ngā rā e haere puku ai te kāmera e kore e mate i te hemokai, i te kore wai rānei (TWMNT 15/3/1897:341). / The camel can go without food for ten to twelve days without being overcome by hunger or lack of water.
5. (stative) be extinguished.
Ehara, kua weto taua ahi. Ana, tae rawa atu hoki a Mahuika ki te whare, kua mate noa iho i te ua (NM 1928:19). / Low and behold, the fire had been put out. And so when Mahuika returned to the house, it had been extinguished by the rain.
6. (stative) be calmed down, decreased, diminished, subsided, abated (of the sea, wind, etc.).
Nō te 10 o ngā rā ka mate te hau, kātahi ka rere ngā tima tae ana anō ki Ōpōtiki (TWM 23/9/1865:2). / On the 10th day the wind subsided, then the ships sailed arriving again at Ōpōtiki.
7. (noun) death.
E kīia ana hoki ko te take nui i haere mai ai te ope a Hongi Hika, i whakaekea ai a Mokoia, he takitaki i te mate o Te Pae-o-te-rangi rātau ko ōna hoa o Ngā Puhi, i patua e Tūhourangi ki Motutawa, i Rotokākahi (M 2004:134). / And it is said the main cause for the raid by the war party of Hongi Hika, which attacked Mokoia Island, was to avenge the death of Te Pae-o-te-rangi and his Ngā Puhi comrades, who had been killed by Tūhourangi on the island of Motutawa in Rotokākahi lake (Green Lake) (M 2004:135).
8. (noun) misfortune, problem, defect, trouble, defeat, calamity.
Kātahi anō ka ea te mate o Ngā Puhi (JPS 1990:33). / Then finally the defeat of Ngā Puhi was avenged.
Synonyms: maiki, maruaaitu, maikiroa, aituā, wairuatoa, pōrahurahu, pōraruraru, uaua, whakararuraru, whakararu, māniania, hara, rararu, raruraru, raru, kūrakuraku
9. (noun) sickness, illness, disease.
(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 156-157; Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 121-125, 127, 132-135;)
mate Pākehā
1. (noun) Pākehā disease, foreign illness - illnesses and diseases introduced by Pākehā since colonisation as opposed to mate Māori which are psychosomatic illnesses attributed to transgressions of tapu or to mākutu.
Ka haumate te iwi i ngā mate Pākehā (Te Ara 2014). / The population was devastated by European diseases.
kawe mate
1. (noun) mourning ceremony at another marae subsequent to the tangihanga and burial - relatives of the deceased, especially someone of importance, visit as a group the marae of communities. The kawe mate is often at the community's request. A photo is often held by one of the woman at the front of the group to represent the body of the deceased person and is placed on the verandah of the meeting house during the pōhiri.
Ko te haere o te ope nei he kawe mate, he tangi mate i ngā mate o te pakanga - he tangi ki ngā tamariki o Ngāti Porou i hinga ki te pakanga (TKO 31/7/1919:5). / The journey of the party was a kawe mate to weep for the dead of the war - to weep for the children of Ngāti Porou who fell in the war.
See also hari mate
hari mate
1. (noun) mourning ceremony at another marae subsequent to the tangihanga and burial - relatives of the deceased, especially someone of importance, visit as a group the marae of communities. The kawe mate is often at the community's request. A photo is often held by one of the woman at the front of the group to represent the body of the deceased person and is placed on the verandah of the meeting house during the pōhiri.
See also kawe mate
mate rere
1. (noun) contagious disease - a disease transmitted by contact.
He mate rere te rewharewha. E rere ana te rewharewha o te tāne ki tana wahine; o te tamaiti ki tōna hoa; o tētahi o te whānau ki ētahi (TTT 73:649). / Influenza is a contagious disease. It moves from a man to his wife; from a child to her friend; from a family member to others.
mate hōrapa
1. (noun) infectious disease.
He mate hōrapa te kohi, kaua te tangata i te mate kohi hei tuha ki te whare, ki te marae, engari te mea pai me tuha ki runga i te ahi, ko ngā kākahu horoi i te waha me tahu ki te ahi, ko ngā paepae hūare me horoi rawa ki te wai koropupū (TPH 15/6/1902:23). / Tuberculosis is an infectious disease, so a person with it should not spit in the house or on the marae, but should spit into the fire, cloths for wiping the mouth should be burnt, and spittoons should be washed in boiling water.
mate Māori
1. (noun) Māori sickness - psychosomatic illnesses attributed to transgressions of tapu or to mākutu.
Ko te mate Māori ko te mea i mate i te kēhua i runga i te mākutu a te tohunga. Ka taka ki roto ki tēnei whakaupoko te mate kohi i roto i te whānau, arā: (1) Whakanoa i ngā mea tapu a te whānau; (2) takahi i ngā tohutohu a te tohunga; (3) takahi i ngā wāhi tapu e mōhiotia ana he tapu nō mua iho; (4) te turaki i ētahi rākau tapu. Ko tētahi mate ngāwari nei nā te kōrero a ētahi i whakanui, tau mai hoki te whakaae a te tohunga ka kīia he mate Māori (TP 4/1907:9). / Mate Māori was when someone became mysteriously sick as a result of a tohunga's witchcraft. Tuberculosis within a family falls into this category, caused by: (1) Treating the tapu things of the family as normal; (2) ignoring the advice of the tohunga; (3) walking on tapu places known to be tapu in the past; (4) and the felling of tapu trees. With the agreement of the tohunga, any simple illness can be said to be serious and called a mate Māori. (Part of a description of mate Māori by Tūtere Wī Repa.)
Ahakoa tonu te tini, te momo hoki o ōna rongoā, hei whakaora noa ēnei i ngā mate Māori (TTR 1998:170). / Although her healing remedies were many and varied, they were for healing Māori illnesses.