1. (verb) to be sick, ill, unwell.
E tūroro ana anō hoki te tamaiti pōtiki a Matutaera, ā e kīia ana he nui tana mate (TW 19/8/1876:307). / Matutaera's youngest child is also sick and it is said that his illness is serious.
Synonyms: tarutaruhea, māuiui, tūpoupou, mate, māruru
2. (noun) sick person, invalid, patient.
Kia āhua roa e pāwerawera ana, ka whakamaroke te tinana o te tūroro ki tētahi tāora, ā ka kuhu ai he kahu maroke (TTT 1/9/1928:846). / When the patient has been hot for quite a long time, dry the body with a towel and put on dry clothes.
Synonyms: tūpāpaku, manawanui, mānawanawa, hāura, manawa rahi