2. (adjective) be difficult, hard.
He uaua ki a au te whakawā, me te whiu i a rātou i te mea ko te kāwanatanga anō nāna i whakaae ngā mīhini petipeti (TP 10/1906:2). / It is difficult for me to give judgement and to punish them beacuse the government itself allows totalisators.
3. (modifier) difficult, hard, demanding.
He tūranga uaua te tūranga i riro i a ia (TTR 2000:187). / The position that he took on was a difficult one.
4. (noun) difficulty, dilemma, problem, trouble.
Mai i tōna taitamarikitanga, ahakoa ngā uaua me ngā taupatupatu i waenganui i tōna matua me Te Kooti, i kaha tonu te mau a Takurua ki ngā kawenata o te Hāhi Ringatū, kore rawa ia i whakaae kia whakamōrea (TTR 1998:194). / From his youth, despite difficulties and arguments between his father and Te Kooti, Takurua was a strong adherent of the covenants of the Ringatū church and would never agree to compromised them.
Synonyms: pōrahurahu, pōraruraru, whakararuraru, whakararu, māniania, hara, rararu, raruraru, raru, mate, kūrakuraku
5. (noun) sinew, muscle, vein, artery.
(Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 21;)
Ka mahi noa ētahi uaua i ā rātou mahi, ahakoa e moe ana, e oho ana rānei te tangata, kāore ēnei uaua e whakahaerehia e te tangata (RP 2009:424). / Some muscles function involuntarily whether a person is asleep or awake. These muscles are not controlled by the person.
See also me uaua (kē) ka ...