1. (stative) be in difficulty, perplexed, troubled.
Nā ngā mahi hoko whenua i rararu ai te iwi o Īhāia Hūtana ā mate noa ia, tārewa tonu ai ngā auētanga mō te poraka o Aorangi i riro rā i te kāwanatanga (TTR 1994:29). / Land sales had adversely affected Hutana's people right up until he died, and the grievances concerning the Aorangi block remained unresolved.
Synonyms: raumahara, pōrahurahu, tuarangaranga, harapuka, pōhēhē, pōrahu, raupeka, raruraru, raparapa, raru, pōkahu, pōkeka, pōritarita, pōrangirangi, pōrauraha, pōkaikaha
2. (noun) problem, trouble.
Ko tērā rararu e kōrero nei ia ko te raruraru ki Ōmarunui (TWMNT 7/11/1876:281). / That problem that is is talking about is the difficulty at Ōmarunui.
Synonyms: kūrakuraku, pōrahurahu, pōraruraru, uaua, whakararuraru, whakararu, māniania, hara, raruraru, raru, mate