2. (verb) to be in doubt, perplexed.
Waihoki ko ngā āpiha toko-i-te-ora he huhua ā rātou nā mahi ia rā, ia rā, kei te raparapa ō rātou whakaaro me tīmata rā ki whea, me tīmata rā ki whea (H 1992:21). / In addition the welfare officers have so much work to do each day that they are perplexed about where to begin.
Synonyms: pōhēhē, pōrahu, rararu, raupeka, raruraru, raru, pōkahu, pōkeka, pōritarita, pōrangirangi, pōrauraha, pōkaikaha, harapuka, tuarangaranga, pōrahurahu, raumahara