1. (verb) to be confused, perplexed, bewildered, bemused, befuddled, mystified, baffled, bamboozled, flummoxed.
Nāwai ā, kua pōhēhē noa iho ngā whakaaro kua pōrauraha noa iho, kātahi ka āhua ngāwari te hau, ka paneke hoki te haere o ā rātou poti, kāore hoki i roa ka kitea e rātou te whenua (TWMNT 17/11/1874:284). / After a time they became bewildered and confused and then the wind abated somewhat and their boats made progress and it wasn't long before they saw land.
Synonyms: raumahara, paraparau, pōrangirangi, pōkaikaha, pōrahurahu, tuarangaranga, harapuka, pōhēhē, pōrahu, rararu, raupeka, raruraru, raparapa, raru, pōkahu, pōkeka, pōritarita