1. (verb) (-a) to be in difficulty, perplexed, troubled.
Ahakoa te minamina o ngā iwi nunui ki tōna whenua, kāore a Haina e rarua, kei te toitū tonu tōna whenua (TP 5/1908:1). / Although the great nations desire his country, China is not troubled, its land is still undisturbed.
Synonyms: raumahara, pōrahurahu, tuarangaranga, harapuka, pōhēhē, pōrahu, rararu, raupeka, raruraru, raparapa, pōkahu, pōkeka, pōritarita, pōrangirangi, pōrauraha, pōkaikaha
2. (noun) problem, trouble, conflict.
Ko tōna raru nui kē, ka noho āna hapa hei whakakotiti i a koe, i te mea tika (HM 4/2008:5). / The big problem is that its faults will lead you into errors and away from what is correct.
Synonyms: kūrakuraku, pōrahurahu, pōraruraru, uaua, whakararuraru, whakararu, māniania, hara, rararu, raruraru, mate