2. (stative) be perplexed, uncertain, indecisive, in a quandary, in a dilemma, in a predicament.
Te tirohanga atu, kua tapahia tō rātou taura. Harapuka noa, harapuka noa! Kei hea he ara? (JPS 1898:56). / When they saw that their rope had been cut, they were perplexed and in a quandary. Where was there a path for them?
Synonyms: raumahara, pōrahurahu, tuarangaranga, pōhēhē, pōrahu, rararu, raupeka, raruraru, raparapa, raru, pōkahu, pōkeka, pōritarita, pōrangirangi, pōrauraha, pōkaikaha, pōraruraru, matawaenga, mōrearea