1. (verb) to be apprehensive, alarmed, in a crisis, exposed to danger.
Ko tō Hepi Te Heuheu momo whakahaere i te mahi, he whakahauhau, he whakamana i a wai noa hei whakatau whakaaro, ā, noho ake ana ia hei haumi kē me ka mōrearea, kua kore rānei e haere te mahi (TTR 2000:217). / Te Heuheu’s style of operating was to encourage and empower others to make decisions, while keeping his own position in reserve if a crisis occurred, or the task was not progressing.
Synonyms: whakawhara
3. (modifier) exposed to great danger, dangerous, hazardous.
He mea mōrearea ki te hauora o te iwi kāinga ngā mate mauhoro e whakataumaha ana i aua tūroro (TTR 1996:223). / Those patients suffering from contagious diseases were a health risk to the local people.
4. (noun) crisis, dilemma, danger, emergency, predicament, trouble, alarm.
Nā ngā mahi ātete ā-tinana i ngā kairūri i roto i Te Urewera, i tau ai te mōrearea ki runga i ngā take whenua (TTR 1994:11). / In the Urewera physical resistance to the surveyors engendered a sense of alarm over the land issues.
Synonyms: pōraruraru, matawaenga, harapuka