1. (verb) to seek redress, obtain satisfaction.
Nā Mahuta i tautoko ngā whakamātau a Taingākawa ki te whakakaupapa i tētehi petihana i raro i te Tiriti o Waitangi, hei puretumu i ngā mamaetanga (TTR 1996:88). / Mahuta supported Taingākawa's attempts to set up a petition under the Treaty of Waitangi to seek redress for the grievances.
Synonyms: kimi, whakarapu, rangahau, rapa, raparapa, haha, hīnana, kimikimi, rapu, hāhau, pōrangi
2. (modifier) seeking redress.
Kātahi ka whakatika katoa a Ngāti Whakaue ki te taua puretumu i Maketū (JPS 1990:25). / Then all Ngāti Whakaue organised the war party to seek redress at Maketū.
3. (noun) compensation, redress.
Nō te tau 1884 ka haere ia ki Ingarangi me ētehi atu ōna ki te kimi mai i a Kuīni Wikitōria te puretumu (Te Ara 2016). / In 1884 he travelled to England with some others to seek redress from Queen Victoria.
Synonyms: whakaoranga, whakaora