1. (verb) (-ina,-ngia,-tia) to seek, look for, search.
Ka haha te tangata rā i ngā pareparenga o te waiariki rā, rapu rawa atu, e takoto whakamaoko ana i raro i ngā tauwharenga kōwhatu (Biggs 1997:119). / That man searched along the sides of the hot pool where she was lying crouched under the overhanging ledges.
Synonyms: paraketu, hīnana, hure, rapunga, puretumu, rangahau, pōrangi, hāhau, kimi, takitaki, ārohi, whai, whakarapu, rapa, rapurapu, raparapa, kimikimi, rapu
2. (verb) (-ina,-ngia,-tia) to procure, obtain, hunt for.
Kātahi a Marutūāhu rāua ko tana rōpā ka haere mai, haere mai anō rāua me te here wero manu anō; i haria mai ai taua here e rāua hei haha kai mā rāua (NM 1928:114). / Then Marutūāhu and his servant came, and they came with a spear for spearing birds, which they brought to procure food for themselves.
3. (noun) enquiry, search.
Ko te haha rā a te tangata ki a Pāoa, "Ko wai rā tēnei tangata?" (NM 1928:161). / The man's enquiry of Pāoa was, "Who is this person?"