



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) (-a,-hia,-tia) to obstruct, hinder, screen, block out, shield, prevent, forbid, prohibit, insulate.

He tēpara mō ngā whanaunga, mō ngā huānga e āraia nei e te Karaipiture, e te ture hoki a te Hāhi kei mārena ki a rāua (Ma 1885:15). / A table for the relations, and the progeny forbidden to marry each other by the Scripture and by the law of the Church.

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Synonyms: whakamanakore, whakakati, puapua, kahupeka, whakaruruhau, whakangungu rākau, whakapuru tao, maru, pākai, whakangungu, hīra, pukupuku, pākati, tāiha, taipuru, ārei, kati, kōpekapeka, kōpeka, taupā, taupare, , whakakōroiroi, whakapā, whakahōtaetae, ngihangiha, aukati, hōtaetae

2. (noun) veil, curtain, blind, apron, barricade, obstacle, screen, insulator.

'E Hēmi, hiwitia ake te ārai hiraka o taku konohi. Kei te hēmanawa au.' (HP 1991:256) / 'James, lift up the silk veil of my face. I am too hot.'

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Synonyms: ārei, tauārai, takitaki, komutu, taunahua, whakakōroiroi, rīanga, pākai, pākai riri, araarai, pātū, pekerangi, tītopa, pāhoka, pāhokahoka, pātakitaki, tūrutu, pātūtū, whakaruru, , mata,

3. (noun) barrier.

Me wai, me whenua mōmona, me rangi aupaki, ā, me heke anō tōna paku tōtā ki te ngaki i te whenua, ki te whakatū pātū hei ārai atu i te kīrearea, i te hauhunga, i te aha noa iho (HM 1/1994:5). / There must be water, productive land, fine weather and the shedding of a little perspiration to cultivate the land and to erect barriers to protect against pests, the frost and anything else.

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Synonyms: tauārai

ārai tinana

1. (noun) body protection.

ārai tīkākā

1. (noun) sunscreen.

ārai poho

1. (noun) Bib (feeder).

ārai mate

1. (noun) immunity.

ārai whakatare

1. (noun) slash (punctuation).

ārai ahi

1. (noun) fire screen.

ārai hapū

1. (noun) contraceptive, birth control.

ārai waha

1. (noun) mouthguard.

Synonyms: whakapuru waha

ārai mate

1. (noun) immunity.

āhuatanga ārai

1. (noun) insulating property.

ārai whara

1. (noun) injury prevention.

mōwhiti ārai rā

1. sunglasses.

I te hikuwai o te tau, e ora katoa ana au i ōku mōwhiti ārai rā. During the summer, my sunglasses are a lifesaver. /

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mate ārai kore

1. (noun) AIDS, acquired immune deficiency syndrome.

He mate huaketo te mate ārai kore, ko tāna mahi he patu i ngā pūtau mā o te toto, e kore ai e taea e te tinana te mate te kaupare atu. / AIDS is a viral disease, which destroys the white blood cells thus lowering resistance to infection.

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pire ārai hapū

1. (loan) (noun) contraceptive pill.

Ko ia tonu tētahi o ngā tākuta tuatahi ki te tūtohu i te pire ārai hapū i ngā tau tōmua o te tekau tau atu i 1960 (TTR 200:124). / She was one of the first doctors to prescribe the contraceptive pill in the early 1960s.

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Manatū Ārai Hoariri

1. Ministry of Defence.

Ka whakatūria a Poananga hai kaiwhakahaere mō ngā mahi whakangungu, whakahaere tauira atu hoki, i te tari matua o te Manatū Ārai Hoariri i Pōneke (TTR 2000:155). / Poananga was appointed director of training and cadets, based at Defence Headquarters in Wellington.

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Synonyms: Manatū Kaupapa Waonga

mōhiti ārai hihirā

1. (noun) sunglasses.

E mea tonu ana rātou me ū tātou ki ngā whakatūpato mō ngā hihi kino o te rā, arā me mau mōhiti ārai hihirā, me panipani hoki ngā wāhi katoa o te tinana (ka kitea) ki te pani ārai hihirā (HM 1/1993). / They are still saying that we must continue with the precautions about the harmful rays of the sun, namely wearing sun glasses and smearing all exposed parts of the body with sunblock.

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pani ārai hihirā

1. (noun) sunblock lotion, sunscreen.

E mea tonu ana rātou me ū tātou ki ngā whakatūpato mō ngā hihi kino o te rā, arā me mau mōhiti ārai hihirā, me panipani hoki ngā wāhi katoa o te tinana (ka kitea) ki te pani ārai hihirā (HM 1/1993). / They are still saying that we must continue with the precautions about the harmful rays of the sun, namely wearing sun glasses and smearing all exposed parts of the body with sunblock.

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papa ārai ahi

1. (noun) fireproof board.

waea ārai hiko

1. (loan) (noun) insulated wire.

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