



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (numeral) one, single, 1 - as in counting out things, in which case each number is preceded by ka.

Ka tīmata te tatau, "Ka tahi, ka rua, ka toru, ka whā, ka rima, ka ono, ka whitu, ka waru, ka iwa." (NM 1928:359). / She began counting them, "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine."

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See also tuatahi

Synonyms: kōtahitahi, tētehi, tētahi, tapatahi, takitahi, takakau, mea, tōtahi, kotahi

2. (numeral) firstly, first of all - when preceded by ka.

Tono rawa ia kia whakaaetia te wahine kia pōti ka tahi; ka rua, i tono hoki ia kia tū hoki he mema wāhine ki roto i te Pāremata Māori (TTR 1994:54). / She requested not only that women be given the vote, but that they be eligible to sit as women members in the Māori parliament.

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3. (numeral) first, 1st - when used with this meaning it is preceded by te and followed by o.

E rua anō ngā rā nui o te tau o te Ringatū i hiwaia e ia, arā, ko te huamata i te tahi o Hune me te pure i te tahi o Noema (TTR 1998:27). / There were two special days in the Ringatū year on which he focused, namely, the planting rites (huamata) on the first day of June, and the harvest rite (pure) on the first day of November.

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4. one ... the other, each - when repeated.

Kitea te nui o te aurei, o te kuru pounamu ki runga ki te pakihiwi o Tapuae, te here o ngā kākahu o te māhiti, me te wahine a Tapuae, he wahine rangatira hoki, he kākahu kiwi te kākahu, me ngā kōtore huia te rākai ki tahi taha, ki tahi taha, o te māhuna, ko te tiki ki te poho, ko ngā tautau tongarerewa ki tahi pakihiwi, ki tahi (TP 9/1908:3). / An abundance of ivory pins and greenstone ornaments could be seen on Tapuae's shoulder, fastening his garments and his māhiti. His wife too, a well-born woman, was wearing a kiwi cloak, with tail feathers of the huia adorning both sides of her head, a tiki on her breast, and quite a cluster of greenstone drops on each shoulder.

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5. (modifier) together, simultaneously, as one, in unison, at the same time, concurrently, both, all - indicates that two or more things are happening or being affected by something at the same time.

Ki te kai te wahine hapū i te hikareti, ka kai tahi te pēpe e noho ake rā i roto i a ia (TP 1/1908:4). / If a pregnant woman smokes cigarettes, the baby that is inside her partakes too.

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Synonyms: ngātahi, ngātatahi

6. (modifier) actually, no less, absolutely - used after a word to intensify or to add emphasis.

Erangi, kātahi au ka whāki tahi i aua kupu tahi, “Kāore anō he iwi e toitū nei mō tēnei ao.” (JPS 1990:155). / But, then I actually revealed those very words, “There is not yet an undefeated tribe in this world.”
Kei te kaikā rawa ngā taitamariki ki te whakawātea i ngā tēpu. Kāore tahi anō i mutu taku kai, ka kawea taku pereti (HJ 2015:110). / The young people are too eager to clear the tables. I had not even finished my meal when my plate was taken away.

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Synonyms: hāwerewere, ehara ehara, mārie, rukaruka, , anō, moruka, te mutunga (kē) mai (nei) o te ..., mārika, mōrukaruka, mārire, pohapoha, puru, piropiro


1. (verb) (-a) to clear away, set aside.

Nāna anō te tono kia poua tētahi pāremata Māori hei pupuri i te kāwanatanga o Niu Tīreni kei tahia noatia te Tiriti ki rahaki (TTR 1990: / He also requested to establish a Māori parliament which would restrain the New Zealand government from just setting aside the Treaty.

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Synonyms: tārewa, taunaha, motuhake, wehe, whakatārewa, tāpui, tīkape, tauira

2. (verb) (-a) to sweep.

Kaua ngā paru, puehu, otaota e tahia ki raro o te whare (TTT 1/7/1922:12). / Don't sweep the dirt, dust and weeds under the house.

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3. (verb) (-a,-tia) to dress timber with an adze.

Te hopukanga atu ki te toki, tahi mai anō i te ihu, ā, te noko atu ana; tahi mai anō i te noko, ā, te ihu atu ana; ka oti tētahi taha, tētahi taha (NM 1928:42). / He took hold of the adze, dressing the timber from the prow to the stern; and then from the stern to the prow, completing both sides.

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4. (noun) sweeping action.


1. (loan) (noun) starch - occurs in plants and is extracted from cereals and potatoes, important for the human diet and used for stiffening fabric before ironing.

E nui ana te tāhi i roto i te rīwai. / There is much starch in the potato.

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waiwaro tahi

1. (noun) alkane.

ngākau tahi

1. (adjective) confident.

pūrei tahi

1. (noun) (softball etc) first base.

tahi taewa

1. (noun) potato peeler.

tahi rīwai

1. (noun) potato peeler.

hōhā tahi

1. what a nuisance, how annoying - an expression of impatience.

Pare: Kia tere, kua tōmuri tāua. Rangi: Kiarima meneti anō. Pare: Hōhā tahi koe! / Pare: Hurry up, we’re late. Rangi: Five more minutes. Pare: You’re a bloody nuisance!

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topa tahi

1. (noun) first five-eighth, fly-half, stand-off half (rugby and rugby league).

See also topatahi

mahi tahi

1. (verb) to work together, collaborate, cooperate.

Ka mahi tahi a Hōne rāua ko tōna tuakana – ko Hōne te tauira, ko Pine te tohunga – ki te mahi i ngā whakairo mō Te Hono ki Rarotonga, he wharenui kai te kokoru o Tokomaru (TTR 1998:182). / John Taiapa and his older brother worked together - John as a trainee and Pine the expert - on the carvings for Te Hono ki Rarotonga, a meeting house at Tokomaru Bay.

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2. (noun) working together, collaboration, cooperation, teamwork.

Ko au te rangatira ake, ko tētahi o ngā Hēhita taku kaiāwhina. He pai hoki tā māua mahi tahi (HP 1991:245). / I was the actual leader and one of the Sisters was my assistant. And we worked well together.

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kī tahi

1. (modifier) speaking only once.

He tangata kī tahi (NP 2001:120). / A person who speaks only once (i.e. a reliable person).

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noho tahi

1. (verb) to live together, cooperate, reconcile.

I haere ia ki Ngāruawāhia i raro i te mana o Kāwana Hōri Kerei ki te hohou i te rongo ki a Wiremu Tāmihana Tarapīpipi me Ngāti Maniapoto, ā, nō ngā tau o muri mai i te pakanga, ka ngana ia kia noho tahi te Kīngitanga me te kāwanatanga (TTR 1990:336). / He went to Ngāruawāhia, under Governor George Grey's authorisation, to negotiate peace with Wiremu Tāmihana Tarapīpipi and Ngāti Maniapoto, and in the post-war years worked to reconcile the King movement and government.

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Synonyms: kimi patero, kimi hamuti

rewa tahi

1. (noun) cutter, boat with one mast.

Kua hokona te kaipuke rewa tahi, a te ' Tāna' •e ētahi Māori o te takiwā o Rakarana (TWMNT 14/7/1874:178). / Some Māori of the Raglan district have purchased the cutter 'Dawn'.

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pānga tahi

1. (noun) one-on-one relationship (maths).

Ko te 'haurua' te pānga e whakaaturia ana i konei. He pānga tahi tēnei. Arā, kōtahi anake te pānga o tētahi huānga ki tētahi (TRP 2010:193) / A half is the relationship shown here. This is a one-on-one relationship. That is, there is only one relationship of one element to another.

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hiki tahi

1. (noun) snatch (weightlifting).


1. (noun) aldehyde.


1. (noun) prostita.

2. (adjective) single-celled.

3. (adjective) unicellular.

hātare pītau-tahi

1. (noun) protozoa.


1. (noun) monoxide.

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