



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) orihou, mountain five-finger, mountain three-finger, Pseudopanax colensoi - shrubs similar to whauwhaupaku which have hand-shaped leaves with fine teeth and 3-5 'fingers'. Found throughout the North, South and Stewart Islands in lower montain to subalpine forest and scrub.


1. (location) Hector Mountains (west Otago), Blue Mountains (south-east of Lake Whakatipu).


1. (location) Wiri and McLaughlin's Mountains (Auckland) - Matuku-tūreia is McLaughlin's Mountain and Matuku-tururu is Wiri Mountain. Together they were called Ngā Matuku-rua.

(Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 107;)


1. (noun) mountain flax, coastal flax, Phormium cookianum - a native plant similar to New Zealand flax, but with shorter drooping leaves. Mostly orange or yellow flowers and twisted, hanging seed pods. Found throughout Aotearoa/New Zealand, from coastal rocks and cliffs to mountain slopes. Used for sleeping mats.


1. (noun) grass tree, spiderwood, Dracophyllum latifolium and mountain neinei, Dracophyllum traversii - native shrubs to 12 m which look a little like a cabbage tree, having clusters of long tapering leaves at the tips of their branches. Found in northern North Island to as far south as Taranaki and Lake Waikaremoana and in the South Island from Puponga to the Nile River in hill and mountain forests.


1. (location) Māngere Mountain on the shores of the Manukau Harbour.

(Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 107;)


1. (noun) mountain, mount, peak.

(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 103; Te Kākano Audio Tapes/CDs (Ed. 2): exercise 47;)

Kei te āta āngia haeretia e te Pākehā, āpōpō ake nei piri mai ana i ngā pari, i runga rānei i ngā keokeonga o ngā maunga (TTT 1/3/1930:1992). / We are slowly being driven out by the Pākehā and soon will be clinging to the cliffs or on the peaks of the mountains.

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Synonyms: kake, ekeeke, whakaeke, keokeo, matatihi, keo, tautara, tara, tihi, keokeonga, keho, tāpuhipuhi, karamata


1. (location) Ellets Mountain (Māngere, Auckland).

(Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 107;)


1. (location) Gabriels Mountain (Māngere, Auckland).

(Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 107;)


1. (noun) ridge (of a hill or mountain), range.

Noho nei ka puta te rongo o Hōhepa hei kaiarataki piki maunga i Ngā Puke-māeroero, nō te mea ko ia te Māori tuatahi ki te kake i ētahi o ngā tihi o taua taupae maunga (TTR 1998:46). / Joe was to become a well-known climbing guide in the Southern Alps, because he was the first Māori to climb some of the peaks of that mountain range.

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Synonyms: takiwātanga, tau, taka, whānui, ripa, takataka


1. (noun) mountain face.

Ko tēnei pā nō Uenuku-te-whana; kua mōhio kē mai ia ko te pā i runga i te aromaunga tō Te Aotaki (JPS 1911:19). / This was the pā of Uenuku-te-whana, but he knew that the pā of Te Aotaki was above, on the mountain-face.

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1. (noun) ear fungus, Auricularia polytricha - a thin, fleshy, ear-like growth, shiny dark brown on one side and dull whitish grey on the other. Common on both live and dead trunks of broad-leaved forest trees, particularly on māhoe, karaka and houhere.

2. (noun) mountain holly, Māori holly, Olearia ilicifolia - a shrub with long, pointed, stiff, leathery leaves and wavy, sharply toothed edges, hence the English names. During spring the bush is covered in clusters of white daisies. Found from East Cape to Stewart Island.


1. (noun) mountain astelia, Astelia nervosa - a tussock-like plant related to the lily with silvery, grass-like, drooping leaves and small, cream flowers. Fruit is reddish-orange. Found south of Auckland in subalpine forest.

2. (noun) laughing owl, Sceloglaux albifacies - a large, extinct, endemic owl with yellowish-brown plumage heavily streaked with brown. Face white around dark reddish-brown eyes.

See also whēkau

Synonyms: whēkau


1. (noun) kea, mountain parrot, Nestor notabilis - intelligent, large, bold endemic parrot, olive-green with scarlet underwings that lives mainly in the alpine regions of the South Island.

(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 13; Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 24;)

Pērā hoki me Māui-pōtiki i tango rā i te āhua o te kāhu, o te kāeaea, o te ruru, o te kea, o te pekapeka, o te kiore, o te kererū, o te noke hoki; kātahi anō ka mate i a Hine-nui-te-pō i roto i tōna whare i Pōtaka-rongorongo. (JPS 1922:48). / It was thus that Māui-pōtiki took on the form of the harrier hawk, the New Zealand falcon, the morepork, the kea, the bat, the rat, the pigeon, and the worm; until he was finally killed by Hine-nui-te-pō in her house at Pōtaka-rongorongo.

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Synonyms: keorangi


1. (verb) to be timid, timorous, diffident, reticent, hesitating.

E tikumu ana te tamaiti tāne kei mekea e te tangata whakaweti. / The boy was timid in case he was punched by the bully.

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Synonyms: tōngā, memeke, hūnguengue, whakatōngā, whakakumu, konekone

2. (noun) common mountain daisy, cotton plant, Celmisia spectabilis subsp. spectabilis - an alpine plant with foliage covered with fine short hairs, soft and woolly to touch. White daisies are carried above rosettes of leaves or on low-growing shrubs in spring and early summer.

Ka hōrapa te tikumu ki ngā wāhi ikeike. He tea ōna raupua, he kōwhai ki waenganui (Te Ara 2013). / Mountain daisies are common in upland places. They have white petals and yellow centres.

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1. (noun) broad-leaved cabbage tree, mountain cabbage tree, Cordyline indivisa - found from 450 to 1350 m altitude in higher rainfall areas from the Coromandel Range to Fiordland on the West Coast and Banks Peninsula. Has a stout, unbranched trunk topped with a large head of sword-shaped leaves with a reddish midrib 1-2 m long.

See also

Kā Mauka Tokoweka

1. (location) mountains between Doubtful and Dagg sounds.

Kā Mauka Whakatipu

1. (location) Ailsa and Humbolt mountains (north-west of Lake Whakatipu).

Kā Papa Toitoi

1. (location) Treble Cone (mountain west of Lake Wānaka).


1. (location) Dunstan Mountains.

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