1. (verb) to dislike, detest, loathe, abhor.
Katoa tātou i ōna wā i whakamahia i a tātou i te kura kia ako i ētahi kaupapa kāore nei tātou i pīrangi, ā, me te aha anō kiriweti ana, konekone atu ana tātou ki aua kaupapa rā (HM 1/1995:4). / At some time all of us while we were at school were made to learn some subjects we did not like and as a result we hated and loathed those subjects.
Synonyms: pū, whakahouhou, mauāhara
2. (verb) to be shy, bashful, reserved, reticent, retiring.
Kāore ia e noho, ka āhua konekone, ā, ka whakatika, ka haere i tana haere (W 1971:133). / She would not stay and being somewhat shy she stood up and went away.
Synonyms: whakamā, numinumi, whakakumu, tikumu, moke, pūihi, hūiki, hihira, mokepūihi, nohopuku, tōngā, wahangū, nguengue, whakamōwai, memeke, rāhui, tāpui, hūnguengue, whakatōngā, matakakā, matakā, matawhiwhiu, matakana
3. (modifier) shy, bashful, reserved, reticent, retiring.
He kōtiro konekone ia - kia whakatata mai he taitama, kua pūwhero tonu atu ngā pāpāringa. / She was a shy girl - when a boy approached her she would blush.
4. (noun) repugnance, weariness, distaste, dislike, loathing, aversion.
Ka nui taku konekone ki te haere (W 1971:133). / I have a strong aversion to going.
Synonyms: wetiweti, whakahouhou, whakarihariha, ongaonga, whakarikarika, mauāhara