2. (modifier) shy, distrustful, suspicious, skeptical, cynical.
Kei te pēhea te tangata hara ki ēnei kupu aroha? Kāore i te whakarongo, engari kei te whawharo haere te ihu pēnei i te hōiho matakana kei te tū te waero ki runga (TP 7/1909:7). / What does the sinful person think about these words of concern? He does not listen, but snorts like a distrustful horse with its tail raised.
Synonyms: matakakā, pūihi, matakā, matawhiwhiu, whakamā, memeke, hūiki, hihira, mokepūihi, konekone
3. (modifier) wild, untamed.
Ko tēnei iwi he kāewaewa noa iho i runga i te whenua ki te whaiwhai i ngā kurī matakana hei kai (MM.TKM 1/12/1855:2). / These people just wander over the land to hunt wild animals for food.