1. (verb) to be disgusted, feel revulsion, abhor, sickened, repulsed, revolted.
Ko wai e kore e whakahouhou i ā rātou mahi mōrikarika ki ngā wāhine (PK 2008:1087). / Who wouldn't be disgusted by their horrible conduct with women.
Synonyms: whakarihariha, pū, konekone
2. (noun) disgust, revulsion, repugnance, abhorrence, repulsion, loathing.
I ohorere a Te Pahi ki ngā tikanga me ngā ture a te Pākehā, he whakahouhou; i ongaonga rawa atu ia i te taumaha o ngā whakawhiu a te Pākehā mō ngā hara whēnako, ehara noa iho nei (TTR 1990:240). / Te Pahi was shocked and disgusted by the customs and laws of the Pākehā; he was horrified by the severity of Pākehā sentences for minor theft.
Synonyms: wetiweti, konekone, whakarihariha, ongaonga, whakaanuanu, whakapairuaki, whakarikarika, mauāhara