



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (loan) (noun) penny, copper - a former bronze coin equal to one-two-hundred-and fortieth of a pound. Still a British coin now equal to one-hundredth of a pound.

Mō te ōti e 2 hereni me te 9 kapa mō te puhera (TW 12/8/1876:289). / Oats are 2 shillings, 9 pence per bushel.

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See also pene

Synonyms: pene

2. (loan) (noun) copper, copper ore.

He nui hoki ngā rino kōhatu, kapa, me ngā tini mea pērā (TW 10/8/1878:401). / And there is a great amount of iron ore, copper and suchlike.

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1. (noun) team, group, company of people.

I āhua ōrite ngā kapa i te weheruatanga, engari, i te haurua tuarua, ka puta ngā hautipua o Aotearoa ki te kawe i a rātou ki te taumata angitu. / The teams were pretty even at half-time, but in the second half the stars of New Zealand emerged to take them to the successful outcome.

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2. (noun) rank, row, line.

He momo pātengi raraunga te ripanga, he tūtohi, he rite ki te tukutuku te āhua, arā, he kapa ōna, he pou hoki (TRP 2010:241). / A spreadsheet is a type of database, a chart that looks like a grid, that is it has rows and columns.

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Synonyms: tūnga, tūtira, nui, kōhangohango, papanga, raina, rārangi, tararau, tatauranga, whakanehenehe, io, hoe, tawhā, aho, ripa


1. (interjection) it's not as if, on the other hand - sometimes written as two words, i.e. kā pā.

Kāpā kei konei ō māua nā tungāne hei whakarongo i ngā amuamu mō rātou. / It's not as if our brothers are here to listen to the complaints about them.

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Synonyms: engaringari, koa, otiia, manohi, engari, erangi, ia, tēnā, tēnā ko tēnei

kapa manawa

1. (noun) heartbeat.

kapa hōia

1. (loan) (noun) company - a subdivision of an infantry battalion.

Kotahi kapa hōia, nō te 65 e tiaki ana i reira... (TKM 24/5/1849:2). / A company of the 65th regiment was on duty...

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kapa haka

1. (noun) concert party, haka group, Māori cultural group, Māori performing group.

Hei ngā ahiahi pō ka akona te hunga mātātahi e tētehi tautōhito ki te haka, ā, whakatūria ana e Te Puea tētehi kapa haka, ko Te Pou o Mangatāwhiri te ingoa (TTR 1996:46). / In the evenings an expert in haka taught the young people to perform, and Te Puea formed a cultural group named Te Pou o Mangatawhiri.

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See also haka

kapa waiata

1. (noun) choir.

Tū ana ōna kapa haka, kapa waiata, ki te manaaki i ana manuhiri (TWK 14:31). / Their haka party and choir stood to welcome their visitors.

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tū kapa

1. (noun) upright stance in haka with feet side by side, slightly apart.

Ko te tū kapa, te tū wahine rānei: He matika te tū, e paku pirara ana ngā waewae (RMR 2017). / The tū kapa or female stance: The stance is upright and the feet are a little apart.

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1. (noun) (bicycle) penny-farthing.


1. (noun) front rank of the kapa haka, front row.

E ai ki te mahara ake o tētehi o te minenga ki a Mere e wani mai ana i te whatārangi kia tū ai ki te aroaro-ā-kapa, ki reira haka tahi atu ai me rātau me te puta o te ihi, o te wana (TTR 1998:1). / One member of the audience remembered Mere gliding across the stage to stand in the front row of the haka group to join them in the haka with great excitement and gusto.

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1. (noun) team pursuit.


1. (loan) (noun) threepence (coin), threepenny bit.

I mua atu i te tina ka tīmata te tono a ngā Māori kia whakawhitiwhiti ā rātou rua-hereni, āwhekaraone rānei ki te toru-kapa, ki te hikipene, ki te hereni (TP 12/1907:11). / Before dinner, the Māori began to ask to change their florins and half-crowns for threepenny bits, sixpences and shillings.

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Kapa Pango Tāroaroa

1. (noun) Tall Blacks.

tū ā-kapa

1. (noun) kapa haka formation.

Ko te tū ā-kapa tētahi āhuatanga matua hei whakaaroaro mā te kaiako, e wana ai ngā mahi i runga i te atamira (RMR 2017). / The kapa haka formation is an important aspect for the tutor to consider so that the activities on the stage are awe-inspiring.

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tauwhainga ā-kapa

1. (noun) team event.

tauwhaiwhai ā-kapa

1. (noun) individual team.

whiringa aro-ā-kapa

1. (noun) (sport) heat.

[kua] taka te kapa

1. (loan) the penny has dropped, I should have realised, I get it now, I get the picture - an idiom adopted from English to indicate that someone has just realised something that should have been obvious from earlier signs.

Kātahi anō ka taka te kapa, kua hapū a Hēni. / The penny has just dropped, Jane is pregnant.

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He hono tangata e kore e motu, kāpā he taura waka e motu.

1. Blood is thicker than water.

The geneaological connections of people cannot be severed, on the other hand the canoe rope will be severed. /

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1. (noun) turning point.

Ko te taihuringa o te paki te wāhanga e tino kaha ai te manawapā, ā, koia hoki te tīmatanga o ngā mahi e tau ai te puehu ā tōna wā (RMR 2017). / The turning point of the story was the part where the tension was really strong and that was the beginning of the activities whereby the dust would settle.

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2. (noun) revolving movement in kapa haka.

Ko te taihuringa, arā, ka huri āmio te rōpū i te kaihaka o waenganui pū (RMR 2017). / Taihuringa is the group circling around the performer in the centre.

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