1. (noun) team, group, company of people.
I āhua ōrite ngā kapa i te weheruatanga, engari, i te haurua tuarua, ka puta ngā hautipua o Aotearoa ki te kawe i a rātou ki te taumata angitu. / The teams were pretty even at half-time, but in the second half the stars of New Zealand emerged to take them to the successful outcome.
2. (noun) rank, row, line.
He momo pātengi raraunga te ripanga, he tūtohi, he rite ki te tukutuku te āhua, arā, he kapa ōna, he pou hoki (TRP 2010:241). / A spreadsheet is a type of database, a chart that looks like a grid, that is it has rows and columns.
Synonyms: tūnga, tūtira, nui, kōhangohango, papanga, raina, rārangi, tararau, tatauranga, whakanehenehe, io, hoe, tawhā, aho, ripa