



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (loan) (stative) be clever - a word used in colloquial conversation.


1. (verb) to be pleasing.

E manea ana ka kitea atu kai te kaha koe ki te mahi (Ng 1993:343). / It is pleasing to see you are working hard (Ng 1993:343).

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Synonyms: reka, āhumehume

2. (adjective) be clever.

3. (noun) the hau of the human footprint - in walking, a person leaves a certain amount of this hau in every footprint he makes. Anyone having evil designs on him will gather up the earth on which the footprint is impressed, and bearing it to the sacred whata puaroa, he will use it as a medium through which to injure that person by mākutu.

Ko te ariā o te wairua, ko ngā makawe, ko tōna mauri hoki tērā. Kātahi ka naomia ko te manea. Ko tōna ariātanga ko te iwi tonu (JPS 1899:49). / The hair was the semblance of the 'wairua', that being his mauri. He then took the 'manea', in the form of the bone itself.

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1. (verb) (-ria,-hia) to know, acquainted with, understand - usually followed by ki preceding the noun showing the object.

Kāore i pērā rawa te tokomaha o te hunga kaiako he mātau ki te reo Māori, he mātau hoki ki te mahi whakaako (HM 4/2008:1). / There weren't as many teachers who knew the Māori language and also knew how to teach.

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Synonyms: mahara, mōhio, hua, matatau, pūrangiaho

2. (modifier) be clever, knowledgeable.

He tangata mātau ki te waihanga pū a Hōri Karaka (TTR 1990:140). / George Clarke was a knowledgeable person at making guns.

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Synonyms: matatau

3. (noun) knowledge, understanding.

Anei te reo Pākehā me tōna huhua o te kupu, engari kāore i paku kainamu atu te mātau o te hunga taketake ake nō rātou taua reo ki aua kupu katoa rā (HM 4/2009:3). / Here is the English language with its multitude of words, but native speakers of that language do not know anywhere near all the words of their language.

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Synonyms: mōhiotanga, mātauranga, mōhio


1. (experience verb) (-hia,-tia) to know, understand, realise, comprehend, recognise.

Ko tēnei taru, ko te parakipere e mōhio ana ngā Māori, kei ngā wāhi katoa e tupu ana (TJ 2/8/1898:3). / Māori know that this plant, the blackberry, grows everywhere.

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Synonyms: whakatinana, huatau, āhukahuka, āhukahuka, kite, mōhiohio, matatau, pūrangiaho, hua, mahara, mātau

2. (modifier) be accustomed, known, skilful, wise, intelligent, clever, bright.

Ko ngā moni kua kohia me whakaputu ki te pēke, ā ko te itarete kia £20 pea hei kawe i te tamaiti mōhio ki Te Aute (TP 8/1900:3). / The money that has been collected should be deposited in the bank, and the interest, perhaps £20, should be used to send an intelligent child to Te Aute.

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Synonyms: taunga, waia, umanga

3. (noun) knowledge, wisdom, clever person, knowledgeable person, expert.

Kāwhakina a Ngātoro rāua ko tana wahine hei mōhio mō te waka nei (NM 1928:99). / Ngātoro and his wife were abducted as experts for this canoe.

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Synonyms: mōhiotanga, mātau, mātauranga


1. (verb) to be clever, knowing, cunning, crafty.

2. (modifier) used frequently.

Ka huihui atu ki te wāhi mutunga e ngaro i te tai, ki te ngaro taua wāhi i te moana ka rere ki ngā wāhi onepū muremure, kāore he otaota, kāore he aha, ka noho i reira pēhea te nunui o te kāhui, he tatari kia wātea ngā tāhuna i te tai (TP 1/11/1901:1). / They gather at the last place that disappears under the tide, and when that part disappears under the tide they fly to the beaches they frequent where there is no vegetation, nothing at all and stay there no matter how large the flock is, waiting until the sand bank re-emerges from the sea.

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3. (noun) tiger beetle lava, penny doctor, butcher boy, Cicindela tuberculata, Neocicindela tuberculata - an endemic tiger beetle to Aotearoa/New Zealand. Adults are ground predators and larvae may live for several years in a hole in the ground, and grab and eat passing insects.

Synonyms: kūī, moeone, pāpapa, hāpuku


1. (verb) to be clever, knowing, cunning, crafty, astute, interfering, intruding, hack (computers).

Ia tau, ia tau he tuku tonu te mahi a te hēkeretari o Taranaki i ngā tono utu reiti ki ngā Māori, otirā i mūrere ngā Māori kāore e tangohia aua pukapuka, engari ka waiho tonu i te poutāpeta, ā ka whakahokia anō ki te kaunihera (TP 12/1907:11). / Each year the secretary of Taranaki sends to the Māori requests for payment of rates, but they are cunning and won't take those documents, but leave them at the post office, and so they are returned to the council.

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2. (modifier) clever, knowing, cunning, crafty, astute, interfering, intruding.

Kua kite a Te Rangitāke, he mahi mūrere nā te kāwanatanga ki te mana whenua o Te Āti Awa ki ō rātou whenua i Waitara (TTR 1990:290) / Te Rangitāke had seen that this was interference by the government with Te Āti Awa rights to their lands at Waitara.

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Synonyms: uhumanea, mōhiotanga, muremure, atamai, ihumanea, aweko

3. (noun) clever person, cunning person, crafty person, astute person.

He naho anō a Hōhua Tāwhaki, he mūrere, nō Ngāti Porou (RK 1994:154). / Hōhua Tāwhaki was a wag, a clever person from Ngāti Porou.

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4. (noun) hacker (computers).

Ka uaua rawa atu i te wā whanga te aukati i a koe mai i tō pūkete e tētahi mūrere mā tētahi kupuhipa kua whānako tonutia (LP 2017). / The waiting period makes it harder for a hacker to lock you out of your account with just a stolen password (LP 2017).

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1. (verb) to draw a long breath.

2. (modifier) talented, gifted, consummate.

He tangata pūmanawa a Hēmi ki ngā mahi hākinakina (TTR 1998:104) / James was a gifted sportsman.

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3. (noun) natural talent, intuitive cleverness.

He tangata kōhure a Erihana i te mahi whakahaere, tino kaha anō hoki ōna pūmanawa hei kaihautū (TTR 1998:41). / Ellison was an outstanding administrator with strong leadership qualities (DNZB 1998:159).

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4. (noun) beating heart.

He tipuna whakahirahira a Rangitihi. Tokowaru āna tamariki, kīia ai ko Ngā Pūmanawa e Waru (Te Ara 2016). / Rangitihi was an important ancestor. His eight children were called Ngā Pūmanawa e Waru (the eight beating hearts).

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1. (modifier) clever, intelligent, intellectual.

He kaha ia ki te akiaki i te rangatahi kia aro nui ki te whai i te mātauranga, kai reira anō hoki ia e hono mōhū ana i te mahi whakapiri o te Pākehā rāua ko te Māori, whakahau hoki i te kōrero punenga (TTR 2000:131). / He encouraged young people to consider furthering their education and he quietly promoted contact between Māori and Pākehā, and urged for intellectual discussion.

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1. (verb) deliberate, thorough, exhaustive.

Ngaio ana taku kimi i tana rīngi i roto i te whare (Ng 1993:138). / My search in the house for her ring was exhaustive.

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2. (modifier) expert, clever, professional.

Ko te whai a taua kāreti he whakatakatū i ngā taitama Māori mō ngā mahi ngaio (TTR 1996:277). / That college aimed to prepare Māori youths for professional careers.

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Synonyms: ringa ngaio, ringa rehe, ringa whaiutu, mātanga

3. (noun) professional, academic.

Heoi he torutoru noa ngā ngaio Māori i roto i te rautau 1900, ā, ko te nuinga he kaiako kura, he tāpuhi, minita hoki (Te Ara 2016). / However, through the 20th century there were few Māori professionals, and the majority were teachers, nurses and the ministers.

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Synonyms: mātauranga

4. (noun) ngaio, Myoporum laetum - a small tree with poisonous leaves and fruit. The leaves have pale, dot-like oil glands which are visible when held up to the light. The timber is white. The small white flowers have purple markings. Found throughout coastal areas of the North and South Islands, except for Southland.

Titiro ki taku pā ngaio ki runga o Moe-atoa (JPS 1908:119). / Look at my grove of ngaio trees on Moe-atoa.

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5. (noun) horsehair worm, Gordius spp. - a parasitic worm found throughout the world. In Aotearoa/New Zealand it infests kākākōkopuinanga and wētā. The adult worm is a free-living animal. It is hairlike, very long and very thin.


1. (verb) to glow, gleam.

Ka kitea, i tētahi taha o te huarahi e haere atu nei ia, e rua ngā mea e pūrātoke mai ana i roto i te wāhi ururua. Mōhio tonu ia he kanohi kurī kai tangata e rarama mai ana (TWM 11/7/1863:3). / On one side of the road along which he was travelling he saw two things glowing in the undergrowth. He knew immediately that they were the gleaming eyes of a man-eating animal.

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2. (noun) glowworm, Arachnocampa luminosa, glowworm larvae - common on the walls of caves, damp road banks and riverbanks. The larvae live in a slimy, tube-like nest. Each has up to 70 sticky 'fishing lines' and a blue-green light attracts flying insects at night. The adult lives for two to three days.

(Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 48;)

Nāna i whakamau he pūrātoke e rua ki tana pakihiwi hei ārahi i a rātou i roto i te pōuri (TTR 1998:48). / He placed a couple of glowworms on his shoulder to guide them in the dark.

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See also titiwai

3. (noun) bright spark, clever person.


1. (verb) to be knowing, clever, intuitive.

I ihumanea ai, nā te mea arā tētahi tikanga o te whare pāremata e mea ana ki te āta whērā te whakatakotohia o te pātai ki te Kāhui Minita, kāore e taea e rātou te karo atu (HM 4/1994:11). / It was clever because there is a procedure in parliament stating that if a question is tabled for the Cabinet they are not able to ignore it.

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2. (adjective) be knowing, clever, intuitive.

Ehara te ao Māori i te mata kohore, i te pōrewarewa rānei engari ia he atamai, he ihumanea (TTTT 2006:12). / The Māori world is not bleary-eyed or stupid but intelligent and clever.

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Synonyms: uhumanea, mōhiotanga, mūrere, muremure, atamai, aweko

3. (modifier) knowing, clever, intuitive.

He ākonga ihumanea a Ngata i āna mahi katoa (TTR 1996:101). / Ngata was a clever pupil in everything he did.

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4. (noun) clever person, intellectual.

Kei te wānanga ētahi o ngā ihumanea o te motu i ngā raruraru e pā ana ki ō tātou awa me ngā roto. / Some of the clever people of the country are having a conference about the problems affecting our rivers and lakes.

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ka wani kē

1. you're clever, a master, a genius, neat alright - an idiom to praise someone's knowledge or expertise.

Ka wani kē tō kāri putiputi. / Your flower garden is inspired.

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1. (modifier) sharp, clever, astute, intelligent.

Ki te whakapae a Te Koohi, kua 35 pea te pakeke o Te Paea i taua wā, he toka-tū-moana, he hinengaro kokoi (TTR 1994:150). / In Gorst's estimation Te Paea was about 35 years old at the time, and was resolute and had a sharp mind.

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Synonyms: pīrata, koi, tio, naho, hīmoemoe, ratarata, aneane, ngutu atamai, whakakoikoi, piki

ngutu huia

1. (noun) talkative person, know-all, clever Dick.

He mōhio ake te ngutu huia rā i tō tātou kaiako! / That know-all is more knowledgeable than our teacher!

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Synonyms: whakaputa mōhio


1. (verb) to be knowing, clever, intuitive.

2. (modifier) knowing, clever, intuitive.

Koia tonu rā te kōrero tika mō tēnei mahi uhumanea āu i tēnā whare kōpae o tātou (HM 4/1994:11). / That is exactly the right description for this clever work of yours in that round house of ours.

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3. (noun) clever person, intellectual.

E mea kē ana au mā te tangata ninipa tēnei mahi, kaua mā te uhumanea pēnā i a koe. Ka tere hōhā noa iho koe (HKK 1999:131). / I am actually saying that this job is for a nincompoop, not for a clever person like you. You would quickly become bored.

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1. (verb) to be outstanding, marvellous - used as an idiom at the start  of a sentence to express how good something is.

Kātuarehe te whakaari hou a Tānemahuta Kerei. / Tānemahuta Grey's new drama is outstanding.

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Synonyms: ka kino te haere, mīharo, pai mutunga, māharo, whakaharahara, ka mahi ..., taiea, taumata rau, tapatapahi ana, kōhure, ahurei, te kino kē hoki

2. (noun) crafty devil, cunning devil, clever dick, talented person, skilful person, famous person, expert, a gun, a star - used as an idiom to express how talented, skilled or famous someone is. It can also be used in a derogatory sense.

Ko te kātuarehe nāna katoa ēnei whakairo ko Pakaariki Harrison. / The expert who did all these carvings is Pakaariki Harrison.

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iho pūmanawa

1. (noun) talented person - someone with natural talent and intuitive cleverness.

Ka noho rāua hei iho pūmanawa hei hāpai i ngā mahi mō te iwi. / The two of them remain as talents to uplift the work for the tribe.

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