2. (particle) to.
Whiti atu ko te motu i Mokoia (NM 1928:83). / Cross to the island of Mokoia.
3. (particle) at.
Ko reira au tū ai, kia tae ake anō koe (W 1971:121). / I'll stop at that place until you actually arrive.
See also ko hea
1. (verb) to be at loggerheads, at daggers drawn, at each other's throats.
Te Wīwī rāua ko Tiamana: E kī ana ngā nūpepa o te 20 o Noema, 1883, e pōngurunguru ana ēnei rangatiranga e rua ki a rāua; e whakatara ana tētahi ki tētahi, nui atu te wene, te whakanehenehe (KO 15/1/1884:4). / The French and Germans: The newspapers of 20 November are saying that these two nations are at loggerheads; each is challenging the other and there is much resentment and quarrelling.
See also ponguru
titiro pī
1. (verb) to look askance, look sideways, look at suspiciously, look at with doubt.
Arā anō te reo o te kanohi, tae atu ki te kori o te tinana. Tērā pea kua titiro pī, kua tīkoro rānei ngā whatu, kua puku rānei te rae, kua hī ngā pewa, kua menemene rānei ngā pāpāringa (HKK 1999:7). / Then there's facial expressions and body movements. Perhaps looking askance, rolling the eyes, or looking angry, raising the eyebrows, or smiling.
Synonyms: kōripi, tiro korotaha, titiro korotaha, titiro whakakeko, titiro whakapī, matakarapa, whakarewha, whakarewharewha, tiro pī, korotaha
1. (verb) (-tia) to strip away, pluck at repeatedly, tug at repeatedly.
Ki te hurihia e koe te rangi ki tētahi rangi Pākehā kua ngaro te āhua o te whakatakoto i te kupu hai nanao atu ki roto i te whatumanawa tonu o te tangata tākirikiri ai (Milroy 2015). / If you change the tune to a Pākehā tune you lose the nature of how the words are set out to tug at someone's heartstrings.
2. (verb) to be split into fine strips.
Kia tākirikiri tonu ngā harakeke mō te mahi whāriki (PK 2008:835). / The flax should be split into fine strips for making mats.
3. (noun) criptic.
Ko ana whakatakoto kōrero, he pērā anō i tā te rangatira me te pūkōrero, he tākirikiri ki te whakarongo a te tauhou; he wā e haere ana te hahani me te whakapopoto o te kōrero (TTR 1990:178). / His utterances were like those of other chiefs and skilled orators, cryptic to the uninitiated; he was often satirical or laconic.
2. (verb) to twinkle, shine intermittently.
3. (modifier) eaten intermittently.
Ko te kai kōramuramu, he tītongi korokoro (TKO 12/4/1918:7). / Food eaten intermittently tickles the palate.
1. (particle) for, about, concerning, for the benefit of, on account of, for the use of, in preparation for, at, on - indicates future possession. Used when the possessor will not have control of the relationship or is subordinate, passive or inferior to what is possessed. Mō is pronounced short before te.
(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 54-56, 64-65, 140-141; Te Pihinga Study Guide (Ed. 1): 9-10;)
1. (particle) at, in, on, with - sometimes used of future time or place.
(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 48;)
See also hai
2. (particle) Used with kinship terms to show relationships.
(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 54;)
See also hai
3. (particle) for, to, as, as a means of - denoting future purpose, intention, etc. In this usage hei is followed by active transitive verbs, but is not used with intransitive verbs, verbs in the passive or with statives.
(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 76;)
Anei te oka hei tapahi i te mīti. / Here is the butcher knife to cut the meat.
4. (particle) replaces e to form a negative imperative with kaua.
(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 67; Te Pihinga Study Guide (Ed. 1): 40-41;)
5. (particle) replaces e in the future grammatical structure to emphasise the agent of an action.
Ka riro mā te wai hei whakanoa. / It is the water's job to remove the tapu.
1. (verb) to be at the summit, at the top.
Ahakoa te whakaaro o Karaitiana he āhua kore take noa te mahinga tuatahi nei, e ono wiki kē te roa o te waiata e matatihi nei i ngā whakaaturanga o ngā reo irirangi o Aotearoa (TTR 2000:98). / Although Karaitiana considered it was quite a poor first effort, it topped New Zealand radio hit parades for six weeks.
1. (verb) to roam at will, wander at will.
Nā ngā āhuatanga tōrangapū o roto i te wā kua takoto ōna rohe i waenganui i tēnā whenua me tēnā, ā, ko te otinga atu ko te korenga i āhei ki te takawhaki noa (HM 4/1996:4). / Because of the political situation over time its territory in each country was defined with the result that they were not permitted to just roam anywhere.
2. (modifier) hind, back.
Kua whati te waewae takamuri o te kurī (Ng 1993:204). / The dog's hind leg has broken.
Synonyms: tua, tuarā, kōkai, angaangamate, angamate, whakatuarā
1. (verb) to make someone feel at home, putting people at ease, making people feel comfortable.
Mā Hōhua Tāwhaki e ui, "E hika mā, kātahi anō te kai ko te kata kāore ōna kākano?" Ā, māku e whakahoki, "Ē, he kākano. Heoi anō te mahi he rui, he rui, he rui, me te Tutahe o Ioka i rui rā i ana kata ki ngā wāhi katoa e tae ana ia, ā kei te rui tonu, hei whakamāhorahora, hei whakamāhanahana, hei whakahauora i tēnei ao matemate (TTT 1/1/1928:722). / Hōhua Tāwhaki will ask, "My friends, does the food of laughter not have a source?" And I will respond, "Yes, there is a source. All that has to be done is to scatter and sow, just as the Duchess of York spread her laughter everywhere she went, and she is still sowing, making people feel comfortable, stimulating and revitalising this ailing world.
2. (particle) was at, were at - when used with a noun.
(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 101-102;)
3. (particle) when, it was because, because.
(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 178;)
I te whakatakariri o tana wahine, ka panaia ia. / Because his wife was so angry, he was banished.
1. (location) now, at present, presently - normally written as one word but when tonu, tata, noa or ake are inserted the expression is broken into its parts, i.e. ināia tonu nei, ināia tata nei, ināia noa nei, ināia ake nei.
Ko ēnei wāhi mōmona atu ināianei mō ngā mahi a te Pākehā, arā mō te mahi witi, pārei, ōti me ngā kai katoa a te Pākehā (TP 9/1900:10). / These rich lands are now used for the activities of the Pākehā, that is for growing wheat, barley, oats and all the foods of the Pākehā.
See also i nāianei, i nāia nei
Synonyms: i nāia nei, nā, nāianei, i nāianei, āianei, e, iāianā, hai kō ake nei, taro, taro ake, taro kau iho, nāwai, nāwai, (ā), ka ..., karo, nāwai, ākuanei, ā kō kō ake nei, ā kō ake nei, ākuara, nāwai (rā) (ā), ka ..., ā muri ake nei, tākaro
i nāianei
1. (location) now, at present, presently, currently.
I nāianei ki te whakaritea ngā kawenga a te ture i whakaae ai ki runga ki ō tātau whenua, kāore rawa e tata atu ki te taimaha o ngā kawenga kei runga i ngā whenua Pākehā. Ko ngā whenua papatipu kāore e eketia e te reiti (TTT 1/7/1922:8). / Currently, if the legal liabilities that are authorised on our lands are compared, the burden is nowhere near as heavy as it is on Pākehā properties. Māori land held under customary title is not subject to rates.
See also ināianei, i nāia nei
Synonyms: ināianei, i nāia nei, nā, nāianei, āianei, e, iāianā, hai kō ake nei, taro, taro ake, taro kau iho, nāwai, nāwai, (ā), ka ..., karo, nāwai, ākuanei, ā kō kō ake nei, ā kō ake nei, ākuara, nāwai (rā) (ā), ka ..., ā muri ake nei, tākaro