1. (verb) to glance, look askance, view with suspicion.
Kia tae ki āna whakahaere moni, kua korotaha te titiro a ētahi (TTR 1994:104). / With regard to his financial dealings, some viewed these with suspicion.
Synonyms: titiro korotaha, titiro pī, titiro whakakeko, matakarapa, whakarewha, whakarewharewha, tiro pī, titiro whakapī, tiro korotaha
2. (modifier) sideways, askance, to one side.
I ōna wā anō whakamahia ai tēnei momo kōrero hei whakautu i te titiro korotaha mai a te tangata, i te rotarota, i te katakata, i tētahi atu mahi rānei i tua atu i te kōrero (HKK 1999:94). / At other times this type of saying is used to respond to sideways glances of someone, a gesture, laughter, or some other action apart from actual speech.
See also kōtaha