1. (location) now, at present, presently - normally written as one word but when tonu, tata, noa or ake are inserted the expression is broken into its parts, i.e. ināia tonu nei, ināia tata nei, ināia noa nei, ināia ake nei.
Ko ēnei wāhi mōmona atu ināianei mō ngā mahi a te Pākehā, arā mō te mahi witi, pārei, ōti me ngā kai katoa a te Pākehā (TP 9/1900:10). / These rich lands are now used for the activities of the Pākehā, that is for growing wheat, barley, oats and all the foods of the Pākehā.
See also i nāianei, i nāia nei
Synonyms: i nāia nei, nā, nāianei, i nāianei, āianei, e, iāianā, hai kō ake nei, taro, taro ake, taro kau iho, nāwai, nāwai, (ā), ka ..., karo, nāwai, ākuanei, ā kō kō ake nei, ā kō ake nei, ākuara, nāwai (rā) (ā), ka ..., ā muri ake nei, tākaro