2. (noun) storey.
3. (noun) (mathematics) plane.
2. (modifier) driven broadside on shore.
Kia pai te whakatere i te waka kei tere papae (TH 1/9/1859:4). / Steer the canoe correctly or it will be driven broadside on to the shore.
1. (noun) board, timber, floor, slab, plank, chart, plane surface, bed (of a lake or the sea), Earth, shell of crayfish and molluscs - anything broad, flat and hard.
Ka tūtaki ētahi tāngata whakatū taiapa ki te papa kōhatu pāia pōnānā (HP 1991:27). / When some fencers encountered rocky land they became flustered.
Synonyms: paraki
2. (noun) victory.
Ko te ritenga tēnei o ngā hapū Māori ina tautohetohe ki te whenua - he whakaekeeke ki te whawhai, ā riro ana te papa i te hunga uekaha ki te pana atu i te hoariri (TKM.MM 12/2/1863:2). / This was the custom of the Māori tribes in disputes over land - they would engage in warfare, with the stronger party achieving the victory and driving out the enemy.
1. (noun) buttock, flank.
He whero pūmangu, he tiwha nui kai te rae, he mā kai te matamata o te ihu, e toru waewae mā, he raho-poka, he hōiho āhua nui, he parani rānei kai te papa katau, he mate rānei, kīhai i mārama (TW 14/12/1878:631). / It has a blackish rump, a large patch on the forehead, the tip of the nose is white, it has three white legs and is a gelding. It's quite a large horse and has a brand on the right flank but the problem is that it isn't clear.
2. (verb) to be overcome, overwhelm, overpower, subjugate.
Ko ia anake i toa ki te whawhai, ko ōna tuākana i pāpā noa i te ngaunga a Tāwhiri rātou ko ana tama (NM 1928:3). / He was the only one brave enough to fight, but his older brothers were easily overcome by the attack of Tāwhiri and his sons.
Synonyms: poke, kake, where, wikitōria, whakatina, tārū, hinga, poko, raupatu, tae, takapapa, pārure, whakatūoi, mate, whara, taupoki, romi, roromi, huri, āpuru, haukerekere, pūrau
1. (noun) gecko, Pacific gecko, brown gecko, Dactylocnemis pacificus - previously called Hoplodactylus pacificus. The markings on this species may often be brighter and with greater contrast compared to the common gecko. Widespread throughout the North Island and offshore islands in the north. Nocturnal, hiding during the day, and rarely seen basking. Lives on the ground, but will climb trees. Found in a variety of habitats.
Koia nei te tīmatanga o ngā mea katoa i te ao nei, ahakoa tarutaru, rākau, kōhatu, ngā ika, ngā manu, ngā ngārara, ngā pāpā, ngā pūwerewere, ngā mū, ngā pūrerehua (W 1971:213). / That is the beginning of all things in this world, whether it be vegetation, trees, rocks, fish, birds, reptiles, geckos, spiders, insects or moths.
See also teretere
Synonyms: ngārara pāpā, mania, teretere
2. (noun) New Zealand privet, Māori privet, Geniostoma rupestre var. ligustrifolium - a native shrub to 3 m tall with waxy, light green leaves, small, greenish white flowers and small green seed capsules which turn black. Branches are slender and brittle.
See also hangehange
Synonyms: hangehange, pāhengahenga, hengahenga, pāpāhenga, whangewhange
1. (verb) (-ngia,-tia) to burst, explode, resound, bang, boom.
Ko tētahi o ngā matā tika tonu ki runga i te manuao, whara ana tētahi o ngā pū nui, papā ana te pāki paura, tokowaru ngā hēramana i tū kaiākiri (TJ 14/6/1898:4). / One of the shells hit the warship directly, one of the large guns was disabled, the powder box exploded and eight sailors were wounded.
Synonyms: tarawete, pahū, pākōkō, pakō, pohū, māorooro, tōiriiri, oro, pakū, paoro, haruru, hau, hū, tōiri, papahū, ngātoro, tūpapahū, pāorooro
2. (modifier) percussion.
Ko nga taonga papā he whakarōpūtanga taonga puoro nō te ao whānui, ka paoa, ka whakaoioitia, ka piua rānei hei whakaputa i tōna reo (RTP 2015:72). / Percussion instruments are a western grouping of musical instruments which are struck, shaken or swung to produce their sound (RTP 2015:72).
2. (noun) shopping plaza.