2. (verb) to strike, crash into, bump into.
Kīhai i mutu tana kōrero ka paoro tō rātou poti. I te pōuri, kīhai rātou i kite i paoro ki te aha (TWK 15:29). / He hadn't finished talking when their boat crashed. Because of the dark they couldn't see what they had struck.
3. (noun) echo.
Mau ana te paoro ki runga o Maunga-a-Kāhia (JPS 1901:203). / The echo was heard on Maunga-a-Kāhia.
4. (noun) drugg - wooden blocks used when the whale had been harpooned. These created drag for the whales designed to slow them down and thus tire them out. This is the likely meaning in this example.
Kotahi anō rerenga o ngā haeana a ngā autaia rā, te wiriwiri haere atu anō i te takiwā, tū atu ana ki te ika rā, tētahi ki mauī, tētahi ki katau, anana! Nā te paoro i pupuri, me he kurī kautete (TWMNT 18/9/1877:196). / Just one toss of the harpoons of those fellows and they quivered in the air, sticking into that marine mammal, one to the left and the other to the right, and low and behold, the drugg held like the piece of wood used in tying up a dog to prevent it from gnawing the rope.