2. (noun) roar, continuous noise, rumble, thud.
Nā, i tōna taenga atu ki raro i tētahi pari, e tūpou haere atu ana hoki ia, e kuhu haere ana hoki mā raro i te ururua, ka rongo ake ia i te haruru nui, kāore i taro, ehara, kua mau ngā matihao o tētahi kurī ki tōna kakī me te ngunguru mai hoki o taua kurī nei (TWMNT 22/6/1875:175). / Now, when he reached the bottom of a cliff, and he was stooped over as he entered the undergrowth by foot, he heard a loud noise, and before long, low and behold, an animal caught his neck with its claws and it was growling.
Synonyms: wawā, horu, māorooro, wheoro, kokō, ngunguru, oro, hanguru, rarā