1. (verb) (-tia) to make a continued dull sound, growl (suppressed), grunt, rumble.
Ka rere te tangata nei ki raro, ka pōwhiriwhiri atu ki te tohorā nei. Ka ngunguru mai, ka mihi mai ki a ia, me te whakatorotī i te wai ki runga (HP 1991:11). / This man swam down and waved farewell to this whale. It rumbled, thanked him and spouted water.
2. (verb) to groan.
Ka koropupū te moana ānō he puia. Muri tonu iho, kua kite atu au e kāngia ana ētahi wāhi o te tima, kua rongo atu hoki au ki aku tāngata e auē ana, e ngunguru ana i te mamae (TP 1/7/1902:2). / The sea was boiling like a volcano. Just after that I saw some parts of the ship burning and I heard my men crying out and groaning with pain.
See also nguru
3. (noun) growl (suppressed), grunt, rumble, groaning.
Nā, i tōna taenga atu ki raro i tētahi pari, e tūpou haere atu ana hoki ia, e kuhu haere ana hoki mā raro i te ururua, ka rongo ake ia i te haruru nui, kāore i taro, ehara, kua mau ngā matihao o tētahi kurī ki tōna kakī me te ngunguru mai hoki o taua kurī nei (TWMNT 22/6/1875:175). / Now, when he reached the bottom of a cliff, and he was stooped over as he entered the undergrowth by foot, he heard a loud noise, and before long, low and behold, an animal caught his neck with its claws and it was growling.
Synonyms: māorooro, wheoro, kokō, oro, wawā, haruru, hanguru, horu, rarā