1. (verb) (-ngia,-tia) to burst, explode, resound, bang, boom.
Ko tētahi o ngā matā tika tonu ki runga i te manuao, whara ana tētahi o ngā pū nui, papā ana te pāki paura, tokowaru ngā hēramana i tū kaiākiri (TJ 14/6/1898:4). / One of the shells hit the warship directly, one of the large guns was disabled, the powder box exploded and eight sailors were wounded.
Synonyms: tarawete, pahū, pākōkō, pakō, pohū, māorooro, tōiriiri, oro, pakū, paoro, haruru, hau, hū, tōiri, papahū, ngātoro, tūpapahū, pāorooro
2. (modifier) percussion.
Ko nga taonga papā he whakarōpūtanga taonga puoro nō te ao whānui, ka paoa, ka whakaoioitia, ka piua rānei hei whakaputa i tōna reo (RTP 2015:72). / Percussion instruments are a western grouping of musical instruments which are struck, shaken or swung to produce their sound (RTP 2015:72).