1. (verb) (-tia) to protect, shield, shelter.
He kai tere te kānga ki te tipu, ko ngā kānga hei whakaruruhau mō ngā paukena (TTT 1/10/1922:6). / Maize grows quickly, so it shelters the pumpkins.
Synonyms: puapua, ārei, pukupuku, hīra, pākai, ārai, whakapuru tao, whakangungu rākau, kahupeka, whakangungu, taumaru, whakahaumaru, whakaruru, rī, manaaki, tiaki, whakamarumaru, rauhī, parahau, araarai, whakahau, whakamaru, pare, whakamaurutanga, tīhokahoka, tāwharau, piringa, maru, whakamauru, taumarumaru, pātūtū, tūrutu, pāruru, pātakitaki, ruruhau
2. (modifier) sheltered, protected, safe.
Oma tika tonu mai tana iwi ki a ia i tō rātau kitenga kua hinga a ia, ā, nā rātau i mau ki tētahi wāhi whakaruruhau (TTR 1990:393). / When they saw he had fallen, his people ran straight to him and carried him to a safe place.
Synonyms: kokohu, haumaru, marutau, ora, punanga, maru, ruru, pāruru, marumaru
3. (noun) protector, adviser, mentor.
Kai taku whakaruruhau i ngā hau kino o te wā, i ngā tao tāwai, i ngā tao rangirangi, i ngā tao whakarōriki, tīraha rā! (HM 4/2009:3) / My protector from the evil winds of the time, from the taunts, from the annoying criticisms, and the disparaging jibes, lie there in state!
Synonyms: kaiārahi, whakamarumaru, parepare, ruruhau, whakaruru, kaiwhakamarumaru
4. (noun) governing body, authority.
Kua whakaritea mai anō hoki tētahi apārangi hei whakaruruhau mō te reo (HM 3/1993:6). / A group of experts has also been organised as a governing body for the language.
Whakaruruhau, Te
1. (personal name) Magellanic Clouds - diffuse luminous regions of the southern sky now known to be galaxies containing millions of stars.
Synonyms: Ngā Pātari