1. (noun) pursuit, aim, goal, objective, purpose.
Ko ngā tino kaupapa o te hui, he whakapakari i te reo o te hunga e whakaako ana i te reo Māori ki ā tātou tamariki, he matapaki hoki i ngā take e pā ana ki te reo Māori me ā tātou whāinga mō te reo kia ora tonu ai (HM 1/1992:3). / The main purpose of the meeting was to strengthen the Māori language of people teaching it to our children and to discuss matters concerning the Māori language and our goals for the language so that it continues to thrive.
Synonyms: hoaketanga, paetae, umanga, aru, whai, whaiwhai, aruaru, tātai, take, koronga, kaupapa, tikanga, aronga
2. (noun) enmity, hostility, quarrel.
Ko ngā herehere o ngā whāinga, i meinga hei pononga, ā, i murua te tangata mōkai, pāhiatia anō hoki (TMT 2/9/1861:1). / Prisoners taken in hostilities were made slaves, and men in servitude were robbed and ill-treated.
Synonyms: taukaikai, ngangare, paka, tatau, tatauranga, kākari, taute, whakatete, whawhai, wāwau, whakanehenehe, korokīkī, kōhetehete, kōwhetewhete, rīriri, whewhei, taungaungau, kekeritanga, tītaitai kōwhatu, tautohetohe, pākani, ngangau, kohete, tarahae, riri, tauwhāinga, tautohe, taututetute, totohe, kowhete, kairiri, kekeri, whakanihoniho, tautotohe
3. (noun) ceremony for removing tapu, etc., opening ceremony.
Ko tēnei kōrero, he mea tuku e Wiremu Maihi Te Rangikāheke, e whakaatu ana i te whāinga o tētahi whare Māori hou, he mea whakairo ko Te Muriwai te ingoa, i Ōhiwa, me te auē hoki mō Ema Āporo, te hoa wahine o Āporo Te Tipitipi (TW 12/2/1875:1). / The following account is sent to us from William Marsh Te Rangikāheke, describing the opening ceremony of a new Māori carved house called Muriwai at Ōhiwa, and also the lament for Ema Āporo the wife of Āporo Te Tipitipi.
Synonyms: whakatuheratanga, whakatuwheratanga
pānui whāinga
1. (noun) statement of intent.
Kei te kitea i te Pānui Whāinga a Te Puni Kōkiri mō te tau e heke mai nei, tērā ka oti tētahi Rautaki Reo Māori hou i tēnei tau (Te Puni Kōkiri 2014). / It is seen in Te Puni Kōkiri's Statement of Intent for next year that a new Māori Language Strategic Plan will be completed this year.