



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) (-tia) to make low, reduce in depth.

Ko ngā raorao katoa ka whakarewaina ake, ko ngā maunga katoa me ngā pukepuke, ka whakapāpakutia iho: ko ngā wāhi kōpikopiko ka meinga kia tika, ko ngā wāhi taratara kia papatairite (PT Ihaia 40:4). / Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain.

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2. (verb) (-tia) to humble, lower in dignity, humiliate, abase, debase, demean.

Me whakapāpaku kē au i a au (HP 1991:238). / I must humble myself.

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3. (noun) reduction in depth.

Kore ana e paneke te kaipuke, me nga tikanga hokohoko ka whakahēngia; tētahi he whakapāpaku i ngā awa ki te onepū, he tanuku nō ngā tahataha, he whakangaro i ngā whenua whakatupu kai e takoto haere ana kei ngā tahataha (TWMNT 28/7/1874:184). / The ships aren't able to move and there is a detrimental affect on trade. There is a reduction in depth of the rivers with sand because of the collapse of the river banks and the agricultural land has been inundated along the river banks.

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4. (noun) self-effacement, humility, modesty, unpretentiousness.

I taku taenga atu ki a ia, ka kōrero māua, kore rawa e mōhiotia atu he tangata mātauranga, i te kaha o tona whakapāpaku i a ia (HP 1991:48). / When I met him we talked and one would never know that he was a knowledgeable person because of his self-effacement.

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Synonyms: māhaki, whakaiti


1. (verb) to be inoffensive, mild, meek, calm, quiet, placid, humble, tolerant.

He kaiako a Te Mānihera mō te Hāhi Mihinare, ā, māhaki kē atu ia i ngā tāngata o tōna pāriha (TTR 1990:124). / Te Mānihera was a teacher for the Anglican Church and was more tolerant than the people of his parish.

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Synonyms: māhuruhuru, mākoha, nguengue, kōratarata, aungāwari, rarata, nohopuku, tōngā, wahangū, whakamārie, whakamāria, whakamārire, , rata, hūnguengue, hāngū, mārire, maho, rangimārie, māika

2. (verb) to be reduced, lessened.

Ko te ahi me tupopoto anake, he mea takai ki te aka, ā kia takoto te papakiri mata o te kahikatea hei taupoki mō te ahi tupopoto ina hiahiatia kia māhaki te mahana o roto o taua whare kōwhanga (JPS 1929:258). / Only the 'tupopoto' form of fire was used, being bound with vines, and a piece of green white pine bark lay handy to be used as a cover for the 'tupopoto' fire when it was desired that the warmth within that birthing house be lessened.

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Synonyms: taiharahara, mimiti, kohakoha, raungaiti

3. (modifier) inoffensive, mild, meek, calm, quiet, placid, humble, tolerant.

Nā, kua arahina taua herehere māhaki ki te whare whakawā (KO 15/3/1884:14). / So that placid prisoner was led off to the court house.

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See also ngākau māhaki

4. (noun) humility, humbleness, modesty, unassuming nature, meekness, tolerance.

Nō te kitenga o ngā Māori i te taumaha o taua ture, ka whakamutua ngā mahi whakararuraru i runga i tō rātou māhaki, whakakorea ana te mana mō ngā rīhi motuhake (TP 3/1910:5). / When the Māori saw the heavy impact of that law, because of their unassuming nature they removed the control of the special leases.

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Synonyms: whakapāpaku


1. (noun) humbling, belittling, disparaging, denigrating, diminishing, humiliation.

I tana hangapōuri, ka hoki a Tamahore ki Ōhāua-te-rangi i Ruatāhuna, ko tana whakaititanga i a ia mō ōna hara (TTR 1990:259). / Because of his sadness, Tamahore returned to live at Ōhāua-te-rangi, at Ruatāhuna, where he humbled himself for his sins.

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2. (noun) reduction, decrease.

Synonyms: whakapoto


1. (verb) to behave modestly, unassuming.

He tangata mārie, whakamōwai a Rāni Erihana, i ngākau pono nui ki tana kamupene me tōna whānau (TTR 2000:59). / Rāni Ellison was a quiet, unassuming man who was devoted to his company and his family.

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2. (modifier) modest, self-effacing, unassuming, unpretentious, reserved.

Nā Te Heuheu i whakaata te momo mau ake i te mana Māori tūturu, inarā, ko ia nei te tangata mārie, whakamōwai, hei aha māna te pākiwaha (TTR 2000:217). / Te Heuheu epitomised the type of person who had authentic Māori mana because he was a quiet and unassuming person, rather than being a braggart.

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Synonyms: nohopuku, tōngā, wahangū, nguengue, memeke, rāhui, tāpui, hūnguengue, whakatōngā, konekone

Waiho mā te tangata e mihi

1. A reminder to be humble and let others sing your praises.

Leave acknowledgements for someone else. /

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