1. (verb) to be compact, contracted, compressed, confined in space, reduced.
Kua whakatōririki te Māori, kua raungaiti (TTT 1/3/1928:752). / The Māori have diminished, they have become confined to a small space.
I te hui i Waiomatatini i te Māehe ka huri i mea a Tā Āpirana Ngata he wā tēnei e tika ana kia whakamutua atu ngā Tiati Kōti Whenua Māori. Kua raungaiti ngā mahi (TTT 1/6/1930:2076). / At the meeting in Waiomatatini last March Sir Āpirana Ngata said that this was the right time to cease having the Māori Land Court judges. Their work had reduced.